Source code for snntoolbox.simulation.target_simulators.spiNNaker_target_sim

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Building and simulating spiking neural networks using
`SpiNNaker <>`_.

Dependency: `SpyNNaker software

@author: UMan, rbodo, piewchee
import warnings

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
from tensorflow import keras

from snntoolbox.parsing.utils import get_type
from snntoolbox.simulation.target_simulators.pyNN_target_sim import \
    SNN as PYSNN
from snntoolbox.simulation.target_simulators.pyNN_target_sim import \
from snntoolbox.simulation.utils import build_convolution, \
    build_depthwise_convolution, build_1d_convolution, build_pooling
from snntoolbox.utils.utils import confirm_overwrite

[docs]class SNN(PYSNN):
[docs] def scale_weights(self, weights): from math import exp # This ignores the leak term tau_syn_E = self.config.getfloat('cell', 'tau_syn_E') tau_syn_I = self.config.getfloat('cell', 'tau_syn_I') # just to give a sensible answer if tau_syn_E and I are different t = self._dt tau = (tau_syn_E + tau_syn_I) / 2 scale = 10 * t / (tau * (exp(-(t / tau)) + 1)) print('Weights scaled by a factor of {0}'.format(scale,)) if isinstance(weights, list): weights = [(i, j, weight * scale, delay) for (i, j, weight, delay) in weights] elif isinstance(weights, np.ndarray): weights = weights * scale else: raise Exception("Not a valid weight type") return weights
[docs] def setup_layers(self, batch_shape): '''Iterates over all layers to instantiate them in the simulator.''' self.add_input_layer(batch_shape) for layer in self.parsed_model.layers[1:]: print("Instantiating layer: {}".format( self.add_layer(layer) layer_type = get_type(layer) print("Building layer: {}".format( if layer_type == 'Flatten': self.flatten_shapes.append( (, get_shape_from_label(self.layers[-1].label))) self.build_flatten(layer) continue if layer_type in {'Dense', 'Sparse'}: self.build_dense(layer) elif layer_type in {'Conv1D', 'Conv2D', 'DepthwiseConv2D', 'SparseConv2D', 'SparseDepthwiseConv2D'}: self.build_convolution(layer) self.data_format = layer.data_format elif layer_type in {'MaxPooling2D', 'AveragePooling2D'}: self.build_pooling(layer) elif layer_type == 'ZeroPadding': padding = layer.padding if set(padding).issubset((1, (1, 1))): self.change_padding = True return else: raise NotImplementedError( "Border_mode {} not supported.".format(padding))
[docs] def add_layer(self, layer): # This implementation of ZeroPadding layers assumes symmetric single # padding ((1, 1), (1, 1)). # Todo: Generalize for asymmetric padding or arbitrary size. if 'ZeroPadding' in layer.__class__.__name__: return if 'Flatten' in layer.__class__.__name__: return if 'Reshape' in layer.__class__.__name__: return self.layers.append(self.sim.Population( np.asscalar([1:],, self.sim.IF_curr_exp, self.cellparams, self.layers[-1].initialize(v=self.layers[-1].get('v_rest'))
[docs] def build_dense(self, layer): """ Parameters ---------- layer : keras.layers.Dense Returns ------- """ if layer.activation.__name__ == 'softmax': warnings.warn("Activation 'softmax' not implemented. Using 'relu' " "activation instead.", RuntimeWarning) all_weights = layer.get_weights() if len(all_weights) == 2: weights, biases = all_weights elif len(all_weights) == 3: weights, biases, masks = all_weights weights = weights * masks print("Building a Sparse layer having", np.count_nonzero(masks), "non-zero entries in its mask") else: raise ValueError("Layer {} was expected to contain " "weights, biases and, in rare cases," "masks.".format( weights = self.scale_weights(weights) print(weights.shape) n = int([1:]) / len(biases)) biases = np.repeat(biases, n).astype('float64') self.set_biases(np.array(biases, 'float64')) delay = self.config.getfloat('cell', 'delay') if len(self.flatten_shapes) == 1: flatten_name, shape = self.flatten_shapes.pop() y_in = 1 if self.data_format == 'channels_last': print("Not swapping data_format of Flatten layer.") if len(shape) == 2: x_in, f_in = shape #weights = weights.flatten() else: y_in, x_in, f_in = shape '''output_neurons = weights.shape[1] weights = weights.reshape((x_in, y_in, f_in, output_neurons), order ='C') weights = np.rollaxis(weights, 1, 0) weights = weights.reshape((y_in*x_in*f_in, output_neurons), order ='C') ''' else: print("Swapping data_format of Flatten layer.") if len(shape) == 3: f_in, y_in, x_in = shape output_neurons = weights.shape[1] weights = weights.reshape( (y_in, x_in, f_in, output_neurons), order='F') weights = np.rollaxis(weights, 2, 0) weights = weights.reshape( (y_in * x_in * f_in, output_neurons), order='F') elif len(shape) == 2: f_in, x_in = shape weights = np.rollaxis(weights, 1, 0) #weights = np.flatten(weights) else: print( "The input weight matrix did not have the expected dimesnions") exc_connections = [] inh_connections = [] for i in range(weights.shape[0]): # Input neurons # Sweep across channel axis of feature map. Assumes that each # consecutive input neuron lies in a different channel. This is # the case for channels_last, but not for channels_first. f = i % f_in # Sweep across height of feature map. Increase y by one if all # rows along the channel axis were seen. y = i // (f_in * x_in) # Sweep across width of feature map. x = (i // f_in) % x_in new_i = f * x_in * y_in + x_in * y + x for j in range(weights.shape[1]): # Output neurons c = (new_i, j, weights[i, j], delay) if c[2] > 0.0: exc_connections.append(c) elif c[2] < 0.0: inh_connections.append(c) elif len(self.flatten_shapes) > 1: raise RuntimeWarning("Not all Flatten layers have been consumed.") else: exc_connections = [(i, j, weights[i, j], delay) for i, j in zip(*np.nonzero(weights > 0))] inh_connections = [(i, j, weights[i, j], delay) for i, j in zip(*np.nonzero(weights < 0))] if self.config.getboolean('tools', 'simulate'): self.connections.append(self.sim.Projection( self.layers[-2], self.layers[-1], self.sim.FromListConnector(exc_connections, ['weight', 'delay']), receptor_type='excitatory', label=self.layers[-1].label + '_excitatory')) self.connections.append(self.sim.Projection( self.layers[-2], self.layers[-1], self.sim.FromListConnector(inh_connections, ['weight', 'delay']), receptor_type='inhibitory', label=self.layers[-1].label + '_inhibitory')) else: # The spinnaker implementation of is not working # yet, so we do save the connections manually here. filepath = os.path.join(self.config.get('paths', 'path_wd'), self.layers[-1].label) # noinspection PyTypeChecker np.savetxt(filepath + '_excitatory', np.array(exc_connections), ['%d', '%d', '%.18f', '%.3f'], header="columns = ['i', 'j', 'weight', 'delay']") # noinspection PyTypeChecker np.savetxt(filepath + '_inhibitory', np.array(inh_connections), ['%d', '%d', '%.18f', '%.3f'], header="columns = ['i', 'j', 'weight', 'delay']")
[docs] def build_convolution(self, layer): # If the parsed model contains a ZeroPadding layer, we need to tell the # Conv layer about it here, because ZeroPadding layers are removed when # building the pyNN model. if self.change_padding: if layer.padding == 'valid': self.change_padding = False layer.padding = 'ZeroPadding' else: raise NotImplementedError( "Border_mode {} in combination with ZeroPadding is not " "supported.".format(layer.padding)) delay = self.config.getfloat('cell', 'delay') transpose_kernel = \ self.config.get('simulation', 'keras_backend') == 'tensorflow' if get_type(layer) in ['Conv2D', 'SparseConv2D']: weights, biases = build_convolution(layer, delay, transpose_kernel) elif get_type(layer) in ['DepthwiseConv2D', 'SparseDepthwiseConv2D']: weights, biases = build_depthwise_convolution( layer, delay, transpose_kernel) elif get_type(layer) == 'Conv1D': weights, biases = build_1d_convolution(layer, delay) else: ValueError("Layer {} of type {} unrecognised here. " "How did you get into this function?".format(, get_type(layer) )) self.set_biases(biases) weights = self.scale_weights(weights) exc_connections = [c for c in weights if c[2] > 0] inh_connections = [c for c in weights if c[2] < 0] if self.config.getboolean('tools', 'simulate'): self.connections.append(self.sim.Projection( self.layers[-2], self.layers[-1], (self.sim.FromListConnector(exc_connections, ['weight', 'delay'])), receptor_type='excitatory', label=self.layers[-1].label + '_excitatory')) self.connections.append(self.sim.Projection( self.layers[-2], self.layers[-1], (self.sim.FromListConnector(inh_connections, ['weight', 'delay'])), receptor_type='inhibitory', label=self.layers[-1].label + '_inhibitory')) else: # The spinnaker implementation of is not working # yet, so we do save the connections manually here. filepath = os.path.join(self.config.get('paths', 'path_wd'), self.layers[-1].label) # noinspection PyTypeChecker np.savetxt(filepath + '_excitatory', np.array(exc_connections), ['%d', '%d', '%.18f', '%.3f'], header="columns = ['i', 'j', 'weight', 'delay']") # noinspection PyTypeChecker np.savetxt(filepath + '_inhibitory', np.array(inh_connections), ['%d', '%d', '%.18f', '%.3f'], header="columns = ['i', 'j', 'weight', 'delay']")
[docs] def build_pooling(self, layer): delay = self.config.getfloat('cell', 'delay') weights = build_pooling(layer, delay) weights = self.scale_weights(weights) if self.config.getboolean('tools', 'simulate'): self.connections.append(self.sim.Projection( self.layers[-2], self.layers[-1], self.sim.FromListConnector(weights, ['weight', 'delay']), receptor_type='excitatory', label=self.layers[-1].label + '_excitatory')) else: # The spinnaker implementation of is not working # yet, so we do save the connections manually here. filepath = os.path.join(self.config.get('paths', 'path_wd'), self.layers[-1].label) # noinspection PyTypeChecker np.savetxt(filepath, np.array(connections), ['%d', '%d', '%.18f', '%.3f'], header="columns = ['i', 'j', 'weight', 'delay']")
[docs] def save(self, path, filename): # Temporary fix to stop IsADirectory error print("Not saving model to {}...".format(path))
[docs] def save_connections(self, path): """Write parameters of a neural network to disk. The parameters between two layers are saved in a text file. They can then be used to connect pyNN populations e.g. with ``sim.Projection(layer1, layer2, sim.FromListConnector(filename))``, where ``sim`` is a simulator supported by pyNN, e.g. Brian, NEURON, or NEST. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to directory where connections are saved. Return ------ Text files containing the layer connections. Each file is named after the layer it connects to, e.g. ``layer2.txt`` if connecting layer1 to layer2. """ print("Saving connections...") # Iterate over layers to save each projection in a separate txt file. for projection in self.connections: filepath = os.path.join(path, projection._projection_edge.label) if self.config.getboolean('output', 'overwrite') or \ confirm_overwrite(filepath):'connections', filepath)
[docs] def simulate(self, **kwargs): self.sim.set_number_of_neurons_per_core( self.sim.IF_curr_exp, self.config.getfloat( 'spinnaker', 'number_of_neurons_per_core')) data = kwargs[str('x_b_l')] if self.data_format == 'channels_last' and data.ndim == 4: data = np.moveaxis(data, 3, 1) x_flat = np.ravel(data) if self._poisson_input: rates = 1000 * x_flat / self.rescale_fac self.layers[0].set(rate=rates) elif self._dataset_format == 'aedat': raise NotImplementedError else: spike_times = \ [np.linspace(0, self._duration, self._duration * amplitude) for amplitude in x_flat] self.layers[0].set(spike_times=spike_times) import pylab current_time ="_%H%M%S_%d%m%Y") runlabel = self.config.get("paths", "runlabel") try: from pynn_object_serialisation.functions import intercept_simulator intercept_simulator( self.sim, runlabel + "_serialised", post_abort=False, custom_params={ 'runtime': self._duration}) except Exception: print("There was a problem with serialisation.") if self.config.getboolean('tools', 'serialise_only'): sys.exit('finished after serialisation') print("\nCollecting results...") output_b_l_t = self.get_recorded_vars(self.layers) return output_b_l_t
[docs] def get_spiketrains_input(self): shape = list(self.parsed_model.input_shape) + [self._num_timesteps] spiketrains_flat = self.layers[0].get_data( 'spikes').segments[-1].spiketrains spiketrains_b_l_t = self.reshape_flattened_spiketrains( spiketrains_flat, shape) return spiketrains_b_l_t
[docs] def get_spiketrains_output(self): shape = [self.batch_size, self.num_classes, self._num_timesteps] spiketrains_flat = self.layers[-1].get_data( 'spikes').segments[-1].spiketrains spiketrains_b_l_t = self.reshape_flattened_spiketrains( spiketrains_flat, shape) return spiketrains_b_l_t
[docs] def get_spiketrains(self, **kwargs): # There is an overhead associated with retrieving data on SpiNNaker # and so here only the spikes are got j = self._spiketrains_container_counter if self.spiketrains_n_b_l_t is None \ or j >= len(self.spiketrains_n_b_l_t): return None shape = self.spiketrains_n_b_l_t[j][0].shape # Outer for-loop that calls this function starts with # 'monitor_index' = 0, but this is reserved for the input and handled # by `get_spiketrains_input()`. i = kwargs[str('monitor_index')] if i == 0: return spiketrains_flat = self.layers[i].get_data( 'spikes').segments[-1].spiketrains spiketrains_b_l_t = self.reshape_flattened_spiketrains( spiketrains_flat, shape) return spiketrains_b_l_t
[docs] def get_vmem(self, **kwargs): # There is an overhead associated with retrieving data on SpiNNaker # and so here only the membrane voltages are got i = kwargs[str('monitor_index')] try: vs = self.layers[i].get_data('v').segments[-1].analogsignals except Exception: return None if len(vs) > 0: return np.array([np.swapaxes(v, 0, 1) for v in vs])