Source code for snntoolbox.simulation.target_simulators.MegaSim_target_sim

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""MegaSim asynchronous spiking simulator.

@author: Evangelos Stromatias

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import abc
from abc import abstractmethod
from builtins import int, range

import numpy as np

from snntoolbox.simulation.utils import AbstractSNN

if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
    ABC = abc.ABC
    ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (), {})

INT32_MAX = 2147483646

[docs]class Megasim_base(ABC): """ Class that holds the common attributes and methods for the MegaSim modules. Parameters ---------- Attributes ---------- Attributes set to -1 must be set by each subclass, the rest can be used as default values Attributes common to all MegaSim modules n_in_ports: int Number of input ports n_out_ports: int Number of output ports delay_to_process: int Delay to process an input event delay_to_ack: int Delay to acknoldege an event fifo_depth: int Depth of input fifo n_repeat: int delay_to_repeat: int #Parameters for the convolutional module and avgerage pooling module Nx_array: int X dimensions of the feature map Ny_array: int Y dimensions of the feature map Xmin: int start counting from Xmin (=0) Ymin: int start counting from Ymin (=0) THplus: Positive threshold THplusInfo: Flag to enable spikes when reaching the positive threshold THminus: Negative threshold THminusInfo: Flag to enable spikes with negative polarity when reaching the negative threshold Reset_to_reminder: After reaching the threshold if set it will set the membrane to the difference MembReset: int Resting potential (=0) TLplus: int Linear leakage slope from the positive threshold TLminus: int Linear leakage slope from the negative threshold Tmin: int minimum time between 2 spikes T_Refract: int Refractory period # Parameters for the output crop_xmin: int Xmin crop of the feature map crop_xmax: int crop_ymin: int crop_ymax: int xshift_pre: int X shift before subsampling yshift_pre: int Y shift before subsampling x_subsmp: int Subsampling (=1 if none) y_subsmp: int xshift_pos: int X shift after subsampling yshift_pos: int rectify: int Flag that if set will force all spikes to have positive polarity # The fully connected module has population_size instead of Nx_array population_size: int Number of neurons in the fully connected module Nx_array_pre: int Number of neurons in the previous layer # Needed by the state file time_busy_initial: int Initial state of the module (=0) # Scaling factor scaling_factor: int Scaling factor for the parameters since MegaSim works with integers Methods ------- build_state_file: Input parameters: a string with the full path to the megasim SNN directory This method is similar to all MegaSim modules. It generates an initial state file per module based on the time_busy_initial. build_parameter_file: Input parameters: a string with the full path to the megasim SNN directory This method generates the module's parameter file based on its attributes set by the sub-class. This method depends on the MegaSim module and will raise error if not implemented. """ # Attributes common to all MegaSim modules n_in_ports = -1 n_out_ports = 1 delay_to_process = 0 delay_to_ack = 0 fifo_depth = 0 n_repeat = 1 delay_to_repeat = 15 # Parameters for the conv module and avg pooling Nx_array = -1 Ny_array = 1 Xmin = 0 Ymin = 0 THplus = 0 THplusInfo = 1 THminus = -2147483646 THminusInfo = 0 Reset_to_reminder = 0 MembReset = 0 TLplus = 0 TLminus = 0 Tmin = 0 T_Refract = 0 # Parameters for the output crop_xmin = -1 crop_xmax = -1 crop_ymin = -1 crop_ymax = -1 xshift_pre = 0 yshift_pre = 0 x_subsmp = 1 y_subsmp = 1 xshift_pos = 0 yshift_pos = 0 rectify = 0 # The fully connected module has population_size instead of Nx_array population_size = -1 Nx_array_pre = -1 # Needed by the state file time_busy_initial = 0 # Scaling factor scaling_factor = 1 def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def build_state_file(self, dirname): """ dirname = the full path of the """ f = open(dirname + self.label + ".stt", "w") f.write(".integers\n") f.write("time_busy_initial %d\n" % self.time_busy_initial) f.write(".floats\n") f.close()
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_parameter_file(self, dirname): pass
[docs]class module_input_stimulus: """ A dummy class for the input stimulus. Parameters ---------- label: string String to hold the module's name. pop_size: int Integer to store the population size. Attributes ---------- label: string pop_size: int input_stimulus_file: string String to hold the filename of the input stimulus module_string: string String that holds the module name for megasim evs_files: list List of strings of the event filenames that will generated when a megasim simulation is over. """ def __init__(self, label, pop_size): self.label = label self.pop_size = pop_size self.input_stimulus_file = "input_events.stim" self.module_string = "source" self.evs_files = []
[docs]class module_flatten(Megasim_base): """ A class for the flatten megasim module. The flatten module is used to connect a 3D population to a 1D population. eg A convolutional layer to a fully connected one. Parameters ---------- layer_params: Keras layer Layer from parsed input model. input_ports: int Number of input ports (eg feature maps from the previous layer) fm_size: tuple Tuple of integers that holds the size of the feature maps from the previous layer Attributes ---------- module_string: string String that holds the module name for megasim output_shapes: tuple Tuple that holds the shape of the output of the module. Used for the plotting. evs_files: list List of strings of the event filenames that will generated when a megasim simulation is over. """ def __init__(self, layer_params, input_ports, fm_size): self.module_string = "module_flatten" self.label = self.output_shapes = layer_params.output_shape self.evs_files = [] self.n_in_ports = input_ports self.Nx_array = fm_size[0] self.Ny_array = fm_size[1]
[docs] def build_parameter_file(self, dirname): """ """ param1 = ( """.integers n_in_ports %d n_out_ports %d delay_to_process %d delay_to_ack %d fifo_depth %d n_repeat %d delay_to_repeat %d """ % (self.n_in_ports, self.n_out_ports, self.delay_to_process, self.delay_to_ack, self.fifo_depth, self.n_repeat, self.delay_to_repeat)) param_k = ( """Nx_array %d Ny_array %d """ % (self.Nx_array, self.Ny_array)) q = open(dirname + self.label + '.prm', "w") q.write(param1) for k in range(self.n_in_ports): q.write(param_k) q.write(".floats\n") q.close()
[docs]class Module_average_pooling(Megasim_base): """ duplicate code with the module_conv class - TODO: merge them layer_params Attributes: ['label', 'layer_num', 'padding', 'layer_type', 'strides', 'input_shape', 'output_shape', 'get_activ', 'pool_size'] """ def __init__(self, layer_params, neuron_params, reset_input_event=False, scaling_factor=10000000): self.uses_biases = False if reset_input_event: self.module_string = 'module_conv_NPP' else: self.module_string = 'module_conv' self.layer_type = layer_params.__class__.__name__ self.output_shapes = layer_params.output_shape # (none, 32, 26, 26) # last two self.label = self.evs_files = [] self.reset_input_event = reset_input_event self.n_in_ports = 1 # one average pooling layer per conv layer # self.in_ports = 1 # one average pooling layer per conv layer self.num_of_FMs = layer_params.input_shape[1] self.fm_size = layer_params.output_shape[2:] self.Nx_array, self.Ny_array = self.fm_size[1] * 2, self.fm_size[0] * 2 self.Dx, self.Dy = 0, 0 self.crop_xmin, self.crop_xmax = 0, self.fm_size[0] * 2 - 1 self.crop_ymin, self.crop_ymax = 0, self.fm_size[1] * 2 - 1 self.xshift_pre, self.yshift_pre = 0, 0 self.strides = layer_params.strides self.num_pre_modules = layer_params.input_shape[1] self.scaling_factor = int(scaling_factor) self.THplus = neuron_params["v_thresh"] * self.scaling_factor self.THminus = -2147483646 self.refractory = neuron_params["tau_refrac"] self.MembReset = neuron_params["v_reset"] * self.scaling_factor self.TLplus = 0 self.TLminus = 0 self.kernel_size = (1, 1) # layer_params.pool_size self.Reset_to_reminder = 0 if neuron_params["reset"] == 'Reset to zero': self.Reset_to_reminder = 0 else: self.Reset_to_reminder = 1 self.pre_shapes = layer_params.input_shape # (none, 1, 28 28) # last 2 self.padding = layer_params.padding if self.padding != 'valid': print("Not implemented yet!") sys.exit(88) if self.reset_input_event: self.n_in_ports += 1
[docs] def build_parameter_file(self, dirname): sc = self.scaling_factor fm_size = self.fm_size num_FMs = self.num_pre_modules print( "building %s with %d FM receiving input from %d pre pops. FM size is %d,%d" % ( self.label, self.output_shapes[1], self.pre_shapes[1], self.output_shapes[2], self.output_shapes[3])) kernel = np.ones(self.kernel_size, dtype="float") * sc kernel *= ( (1.0 / np.sum(self.kernel_size))) # /(np.sum(self.kernel_size))) kernel = kernel.astype("int") for f in range(num_FMs): fm_filename = self.label + "_" + str(f) self.__build_single_fm(self.n_in_ports, self.n_out_ports, fm_size, kernel, dirname, fm_filename) pass
def __build_single_fm(self, num_in_ports, num_out_ports, fm_size, kernel, dirname, fprmname): """ Parameters ---------- num_in_ports num_out_ports fm_size kernel dirname fprmname Returns ------- """ param1 = ( """.integers n_in_ports %d n_out_ports %d delay_to_process %d delay_to_ack %d fifo_depth %d n_repeat %d delay_to_repeat %d Nx_array %d Ny_array %d Xmin %d Ymin %d THplus %d THplusInfo %d THminus %d THminusInfo %d Reset_to_reminder %d MembReset %d TLplus %d TLminus %d Tmin %d T_Refract %d """ % (num_in_ports, num_out_ports, self.delay_to_process, self.delay_to_ack, self.fifo_depth, self.n_repeat, self.delay_to_repeat, self.Nx_array, self.Ny_array, self.Xmin, self.Ymin, self.THplus, self.THplusInfo, self.THminus, self.THminusInfo, self.Reset_to_reminder, self.MembReset, self.TLplus, self.TLminus, self.Tmin, self.T_Refract)) param_k = ( """Nx_kernel %d Ny_kernel %d Dx %d Dy %d """ % (self.kernel_size[0], self.kernel_size[1], self.Dx, self.Dy)) kernels_list = [] for k in range(1): # scale the weights w = kernel np.savetxt(dirname + "w.txt", w, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d") q = open(dirname + "w.txt") param2 = q.readlines() q.close() os.remove(dirname + "w.txt") kernels_list.append(param2) if self.reset_input_event: param_reset1 = ( """Nx_kernel %d Ny_kernel %d Dx %d Dy %d """ % (1, 1, 0, 0 )) param_reset2 = " ".join([str(x) for x in [0] * 1]) param5 = ( """crop_xmin %d crop_xmax %d crop_ymin %d crop_ymax %d xshift_pre %d yshift_pre %d x_subsmp %d y_subsmp %d xshift_pos %d yshift_pos %d rectify %d .floats """ % (self.crop_xmin, self.crop_xmax, self.crop_ymin, self.crop_ymax, self.xshift_pre, self.yshift_pre, 2, 2, # self.kernel_size[0], self.kernel_size[1], 0, 0, 0) ) ''' % (0, (fm_size[0] *self.kernel_size[0])-1, 0, (fm_size[1] *self.kernel_size [1]) -1, 0, 0, self.kernel_size[0], self.kernel_size[1], 0, 0, 0) ) ''' q = open(dirname + fprmname + '.prm', "w") q.write(param1) for k in range(len(kernels_list)): q.write(param_k) for i in param2: q.write(i) if self.reset_input_event: q.write(param_reset1) q.write(param_reset2) q.write("\n") q.write(param5) q.close()
[docs]class Module_conv(Megasim_base): """ A class for the convolutional megasim module. Parameters ---------- layer_params: Keras layer Layer from parsed input model. neuron_params: dictionary This is the settings dictionary that is set in the module flip_kernels: boolean If set will flip the kernels upside down. scaling_factor: int An integer that will be used to scale all parameters. Attributes ---------- module_string: string String that holds the module name for megasim output_shapes: tuple Tuple that holds the shape of the output of the module. Used for the plotting. evs_files: list List of strings of the event filenames that will generated when a megasim simulation is over. num_of_FMs: int Number of feature maps in this layer w: list list of weights padding: string String with the border mode used for the convolutional layer. So far only the valid mode is implemented layer_params Attributes: ['kernel_size', 'activation', 'layer_type', 'layer_num', 'filters', 'output_shape', 'input_shape', 'label', 'parameters', 'padding'] """ def __init__(self, layer_params, neuron_params, flip_kernels=True, reset_input_event=False, scaling_factor=10000000): if reset_input_event: self.module_string = 'module_conv_NPP' else: self.module_string = 'module_conv' self.layer_type = layer_params.__class__.__name__ self.output_shapes = layer_params.output_shape # (none, 32, 26, 26) last two self.label = self.evs_files = [] self.reset_input_event = reset_input_event # self.size_of_FM = 0 self.w = layer_params.get_weights()[0] self.num_of_FMs = self.w.shape[3] self.kernel_size = self.w.shape[:2] # (kx, ky) try: self.b = layer_params.get_weights()[1] if np.nonzero(self.b)[0].size != 0: self.uses_biases = True print("%s uses biases" % self.module_string) else: self.uses_biases = False print("%s does not use biases" % self.module_string) except IndexError: self.uses_biases = False print("%s does not use biases" % self.module_string) self.n_in_ports = self.w.shape[2] self.pre_shapes = layer_params.input_shape # (none, 1, 28 28) # last 2 self.fm_size = self.output_shapes[2:] self.Nx_array = self.output_shapes[2:][1] self.Ny_array = self.output_shapes[2:][0] self.padding = layer_params.padding # 'same', 'valid', self.Reset_to_reminder = 0 if neuron_params["reset"] == 'Reset to zero': self.Reset_to_reminder = 0 else: self.Reset_to_reminder = 1 if self.padding == 'valid': # if its valid mode self.Nx_array = self.output_shapes[2:][1] + self.kernel_size[1] - 1 self.Ny_array = self.output_shapes[2:][0] + self.kernel_size[0] - 1 self.xshift_pre, self.yshift_pre = -int( self.kernel_size[1] / 2), -int(self.kernel_size[0] / 2) self.crop_xmin, self.crop_xmax = int(self.kernel_size[1] / 2), ( self.Nx_array - self.kernel_size[1] + 1) self.crop_ymin, self.crop_ymax = int(self.kernel_size[0] / 2), ( self.Ny_array - self.kernel_size[0] + 1) else: print("Not implemented yet!") self.Nx_array = self.output_shapes[2:][1] self.Ny_array = self.output_shapes[2:][0] self.xshift_pre, self.yshift_pre = (0, 0) self.crop_xmin, self.crop_xmax = (0, self.Nx_array) self.crop_ymin, self.crop_ymax = (0, self.Ny_array) self.scaling_factor = int(scaling_factor) self.flip_kernels = flip_kernels self.THplus = neuron_params["v_thresh"] * self.scaling_factor self.T_Refract = neuron_params["tau_refrac"] self.MembReset = neuron_params["v_reset"] self.TLplus = 0 self.TLminus = 0 if self.reset_input_event: self.n_in_ports += 1 if self.uses_biases: self.n_in_ports += 1
[docs] def build_parameter_file(self, dirname): fm_size = self.output_shapes[2:] pre_num_ports = self.pre_shapes[1] num_FMs = self.output_shapes[1] print("building %s with %d FM receiving input from %d pre pops. FM " "size is %d,%d" % (self.label, self.output_shapes[1], self.pre_shapes[1], self.output_shapes[2], self.output_shapes[3])) for f in range(num_FMs): fm_filename = self.label + "_" + str(f) kernel = self.w[:, :, :, f] if self.uses_biases: bias = self.b[f] else: bias = 0.0 self.__build_single_fm(pre_num_ports, 1, fm_size, kernel, bias, dirname, fm_filename) pass
def __build_single_fm(self, num_in_ports, num_out_ports, fm_size, kernel, bias, dirname, fprmname): """ Helper method to create a single feature map Parameters ---------- num_in_ports: int number of input ports num_out_ports: int number of output ports fm_size: tuple A tuple with the X, Y dimensions of the feature map kernel: numpy array A numpy array of X,Y dimensions with the kernel of the feature map dirname: string String with the full path of the megasim simulation folder fprmname: string Filename of the parameter file Returns ------- """ sc = self.scaling_factor param1 = ( """.integers n_in_ports %d n_out_ports %d delay_to_process %d delay_to_ack %d fifo_depth %d n_repeat %d delay_to_repeat %d Nx_array %d Ny_array %d Xmin %d Ymin %d THplus %d THplusInfo %d THminus %d THminusInfo %d Reset_to_reminder %d MembReset %d TLplus %d TLminus %d Tmin %d T_Refract %d """ % (self.n_in_ports, self.n_out_ports, self.delay_to_process, self.delay_to_ack, self.fifo_depth, self.n_repeat, self.delay_to_repeat, self.Nx_array, self.Ny_array, self.Xmin, self.Ymin, self.THplus, self.THplusInfo, self.THminus, self.THminusInfo, self.Reset_to_reminder, self.MembReset, self.TLplus, self.TLminus, self.Tmin, self.T_Refract)) param_k = ( """Nx_kernel %d Ny_kernel %d Dx %d Dy %d """ % (self.kernel_size[0], self.kernel_size[1], -int(self.kernel_size[0] / 2), -int(self.kernel_size[1] / 2) )) kernels_list = [] for k in range(kernel.shape[0]): w = kernel[k] * sc if self.flip_kernels: ''' After tests i did in zurich we only need to flip the kernels upside down ''' w = np.flipud(w) np.savetxt(dirname + "w.txt", w, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d") q = open(dirname + "w.txt") param2 = q.readlines() q.close() os.remove(dirname + "w.txt") kernels_list.append(param2) if self.uses_biases: param_biases1 = ( """Nx_kernel %d Ny_kernel %d Dx %d Dy %d """ % (self.Nx_array, self.Ny_array, 0, 0 )) b = np.ones((self.Nx_array, self.Ny_array)) * int(bias * sc) np.savetxt(dirname + "b.txt", b, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d") q = open(dirname + "b.txt") param_biases2 = q.readlines() q.close() os.remove(dirname + "b.txt") if self.reset_input_event: param_reset1 = ( """Nx_kernel %d Ny_kernel %d Dx %d Dy %d """ % (1, 1, 0, 0 )) param_reset2 = " ".join([str(x) for x in [0] * 1]) # if self.label == "02Conv2D_32x24x24": # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() param5 = ( """crop_xmin %d crop_xmax %d crop_ymin %d crop_ymax %d xshift_pre %d yshift_pre %d x_subsmp %d y_subsmp %d xshift_pos %d yshift_pos %d rectify %d .floats """ % (self.crop_xmin, self.crop_xmax, self.crop_ymin, self.crop_ymax, self.xshift_pre, self.yshift_pre, self.x_subsmp, self.y_subsmp, self.xshift_pos, self.yshift_pos, self.rectify) ) q = open(dirname + fprmname + '.prm', "w") q.write(param1) for k in range(len(kernels_list)): q.write(param_k) for i in kernels_list[k]: # param2: q.write(i) if self.uses_biases: q.write(param_biases1) for i in param_biases2: q.write(i) if self.reset_input_event: q.write(param_reset1) q.write(param_reset2) q.write("\n") q.write(param5) q.close()
[docs]class Module_fully_connected(Megasim_base): """ A class for the fully connected megasim module. Parameters ---------- layer_params: Keras layer Layer from parsed input model. neuron_params: dictionary This is the settings dictionary that is set in the module scaling_factor: int An integer that will be used to scale all parameters. enable_softmax: Boolean A flag that if set will use (if the ann uses it) softmax for the output layer. If not set a population of LIF neurons will be used instead. Attributes ---------- module_string: string String that holds the module name for megasim output_shapes: tuple Tuple that holds the shape of the output of the module. Used for the plotting. evs_files: list List of strings of the event filenames that will generated when a megasim simulation is over. num_of_FMs: int Number of feature maps in this layer w: list list of weights padding: string String with the border mode used for the convolutional layer. So far only the valid mode is implemented layer_params Attributes: ['kernel_size', 'activation', 'layer_type', 'layer_num', 'filters', 'output_shape', 'input_shape', 'label', 'parameters', 'padding'] """ def __init__(self, layer_params, neuron_params, scaling_factor=10000000, reset_input_event=False, enable_softmax=True): if reset_input_event: self.module_string = 'module_fully_connected_NPP' else: self.module_string = 'module_fully_connected' print(self.module_string) self.label = self.output_shapes = layer_params.output_shape self.evs_files = [] self.population_size = layer_params.output_shape[1] self.scaling_factor = int(scaling_factor) self.w = layer_params.get_weights()[0] try: self.b = layer_params.get_weights()[1] if np.nonzero(self.b)[0].size != 0: self.uses_biases = True print("%s uses biases" % self.module_string) else: self.uses_biases = False print("%s does not use biases" % self.module_string) except IndexError: self.uses_biases = False print("%s does not use biases" % self.module_string) self.Nx_array_pre = len(self.w) self.enable_softmax = enable_softmax self.reset_input_event = reset_input_event self.THplus = neuron_params["v_thresh"] * self.scaling_factor self.T_Refract = neuron_params["tau_refrac"] self.MembReset = neuron_params["v_reset"] self.TLplus = 0 self.TLminus = 0 self.crop_xmin, self.crop_ymin = 0, 0 self.crop_xmax, self.crop_ymax = self.population_size, self.population_size # Reset type if neuron_params["reset"] == 'Reset to zero': self.Reset_to_reminder = 0 else: self.Reset_to_reminder = 1 # If its the output layer choose the type # either population of LIF neurons or softmax if layer_params.activation == 'softmax' and self.enable_softmax: print("Using softmax for the output layer") self.module_string = 'module_softmax' self.n_in_ports = 2 else: print("Using LIF") self.n_in_ports = 1 if self.reset_input_event: self.n_in_ports += 1 if self.uses_biases: self.n_in_ports += 1
[docs] def build_parameter_file(self, dirname): sc = self.scaling_factor param1 = ( """.integers n_in_ports %d n_out_ports %d delay_to_process %d delay_to_ack %d fifo_depth %d n_repeat %d delay_to_repeat %d population_size %d Ny_array %d Xmin %d Ymin %d THplus %d THplusInfo %d THminus %d THminusInfo %d Reset_to_reminder %d MembReset %d TLplus %d TLminus %d Tmin %d T_Refract %d Nx_array_pre %d Ny_array_pre 1 """ % (self.n_in_ports, self.n_out_ports, self.delay_to_process, self.delay_to_ack, self.fifo_depth, self.n_repeat, self.delay_to_repeat, self.population_size, 1, self.Xmin, self.Ymin, self.THplus, self.THplusInfo, self.THminus, self.THminusInfo, self.Reset_to_reminder, self.MembReset, self.TLplus, self.TLminus, self.Tmin, self.T_Refract, self.Nx_array_pre)) w = self.w * sc # TODO: change these lines np.savetxt(dirname + "w.txt", w, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d") q = open(dirname + "w.txt") param2 = q.readlines() q.close() os.remove(dirname + "w.txt") if self.uses_biases: param_biases1 = ( """Nx_array_pre 1 Ny_array_pre 1 """ ) param_biases2 = " ".join([str(int(x * sc)) for x in self.b]) # if the output activation is softmax add one more input for the control in events if self.module_string == 'module_softmax': param_softmax2 = " ".join( [str(x) for x in [0] * self.population_size]) param_softmax1 = ( """Nx_array_pre 1 Ny_array_pre 1 """ ) if self.reset_input_event: param_reset2 = " ".join( [str(x) for x in [0] * self.population_size]) param_reset1 = ( """Nx_array_pre 1 Ny_array_pre 1 """) param5 = ( """crop_xmin %d crop_xmax %d crop_ymin %d crop_ymax %d xshift_pre %d yshift_pre %d x_subsmp %d y_subsmp %d xshift_pos %d yshift_pos %d rectify %d .floats """ % (self.crop_xmin, self.crop_xmax, self.crop_ymin, self.crop_ymax, self.xshift_pre, self.yshift_pre, self.x_subsmp, self.y_subsmp, self.xshift_pos, self.yshift_pos, self.rectify)) q = open(dirname + self.label + '.prm', "w") q.write(param1) for i in param2: q.write(i) # if we use a softmax use 0 weights for the control events if self.uses_biases: q.write(param_biases1) q.write(param_biases2) q.write("\n") if self.module_string == 'module_softmax': q.write(param_softmax1) q.write(param_softmax2) q.write("\n") if self.reset_input_event: q.write(param_reset1) q.write(param_reset2) q.write("\n") q.write(param5) q.close()
[docs] def build_softmax_conrol_events(self, megadirname, duration, dt, input_rate, softmax_clockrate=300): softmax_in_events = [] for t in range(0, int(duration / dt)): rnd = np.random.uniform(0, input_rate) if rnd < softmax_clockrate: softmax_in_events.append([t, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1]) softmax_in_events = np.asarray(softmax_in_events) np.savetxt(megadirname + "softmax_input.stim", softmax_in_events, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs]class SNN(AbstractSNN): """ Represents the compiled spiking neural network, ready for testing in a spiking simulator. Attributes ---------- layers: list Each entry represents a layer. connections: list The connections between layers. megasim_path: str The path to megasim installation directory. megaschematic: str String that holds megasim main schmatic file that is needed to run a simulation megadirname: str String that holds the full path where the generated files for a megasim simulation are stored. These files include the stimulus, parameter, state and schematic files. The event files will be generated in the same folder. input_stimulus_file: str Filename of input stimulus. cellparams: dict Neuron cell parameters determining properties of the spiking neurons. use_biases: bool Whether or not to use biases. """ def __init__(self, config, queue=None): AbstractSNN.__init__(self, config, queue) self.layers = [] self.connections = [] self.megasim_path = self.sim.megasim_path() self.megadirname = '' self.megaschematic = 'megasim.sch' self.input_stimulus_file = "input_events.stim" self.cellparams = {'reset': config.get('cell', 'reset'), 'tau_refrac': config.getfloat('cell', 'tau_refrac'), 'v_reset': config.getfloat('cell', 'v_reset'), 'v_thresh': config.getfloat('cell', 'v_thresh')} self.use_biases = None if self.batch_size > 1: self.reset_signal_event = True print("Batch mode used, reset signal set") else: self.reset_signal_event = False print("Symbol by Symbol operation") self.scaling_factor = self.config.getint('cell', 'scaling_factor') @property def is_parallelizable(self): return True
[docs] def add_input_layer(self, input_shape): self.layers.append(module_input_stimulus(label='InputLayer', pop_size=input_shape[1:])) # Create megasim dir where it will store the SNN params and schematic self.megadirname = self.config.get('paths', 'path_wd') + "/MegaSim_" + \ self.config.get('paths', 'filename_ann') + '/' # clear the folder first from evs and log files # TODO: add a method to clean everything in that folder if not os.path.exists(self.megadirname): os.makedirs(self.megadirname)
[docs] def add_layer(self, layer): pass
[docs] def build_dense(self, layer): enable_softmax = True if layer.activation == 'softmax' else False self.layers.append(Module_fully_connected( layer, self.cellparams, self.scaling_factor, self.reset_signal_event, enable_softmax))
[docs] def build_convolution(self, layer): self.layers.append(Module_conv( layer, self.cellparams, reset_input_event=self.reset_signal_event, scaling_factor=self.scaling_factor))
[docs] def build_pooling(self, layer): if layer.__class__.__name__ == 'MaxPooling2D': import warnings warnings.warn("Layer type 'MaxPooling' not supported yet. " + "Falling back on 'AveragePooling'.", RuntimeWarning) self.layers.append(Module_average_pooling( layer, self.cellparams, self.reset_signal_event, self.scaling_factor))
[docs] def build_flatten(self, layer): c_layer_len = len(self.layers) - 1 self.layers.append(module_flatten( layer, self.layers[c_layer_len].num_of_FMs, self.layers[c_layer_len].fm_size))
[docs] def compile(self): # Build parameter files for all modules, ignoring the input layer. for mod_n, mod in enumerate(self.layers[1:]): mod.build_parameter_file(self.megadirname) mod.build_state_file(self.megadirname) # build MegaSim Schematic file self.build_schematic_updated() print("Compilation finished. Model is stored at {}.\n".format( self.megadirname))
[docs] def simulate(self, **kwargs): if self._poisson_input: np.random.seed(1) timestamp_batches = self.poisson_spike_generator_batchmode_megasim( kwargs['x_b_l']) # Generate control events for the softmax module if it exists if self.layers[-1].module_string == "module_softmax": self.layers[-1].build_softmax_conrol_events( self.megadirname, self._duration, self._dt, self.config('input', 'input_rate')) else: print("Only Poisson input supported") sys.exit(66) # check if biases are used and generate timestamps to apply them if self.use_biases: self.generate_bias_clk(timestamp_batches) current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.megadirname) run_megasim = subprocess.check_output([self.megasim_path + "megasim", self.megaschematic]) os.chdir(current_dir) # Check megasim output for errors self.check_megasim_output(str(run_megasim)) output_b_l_t = self.get_recorded_vars(self.layers) return output_b_l_t
[docs] def reset(self, sample_idx): # Clean any previous data. This is not necessary, only for debugging self.clean_megasim_sim_data()
[docs] def end_sim(self): pass
[docs] def save(self, path, filename): print("MegaSim model is already saved at %s" % self.megadirname)
[docs] def load(self, path, filename): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_spiketrains(self, **kwargs): layer = kwargs['layer'] # reset_ts marks the time when a new sample in the batch was simulated. reset_ts = [0] + list(np.array(np.genfromtxt( self.megadirname + "reset_event.stim", 'int', delimiter=" "), ndmin=2)[:, 0]) try: spiketrains_b_l_t = np.zeros(list(layer.output_shapes) + [self._num_timesteps]) except AttributeError: return module_string = layer.module_string if module_string in {'module_fully_connected', 'module_softmax', 'module_fully_connected_NPP'}: for i in range(self.batch_size): t_first = reset_ts[i] t_last = reset_ts[i + 1] events = np.genfromtxt(self.megadirname + layer.evs_files[0], delimiter=" ", dtype="int") # e == [timestamp, ?, ?, target address, polarity] for e in events: t = e[0] if t < t_first or t >= t_last: continue t -= t_first + i spiketrains_b_l_t[i, e[3], t] = t elif module_string in {'module_conv', 'module_conv_NPP'}: # Convolutional and Average pooling layers for i in range(self.batch_size): t_first = reset_ts[i] t_last = reset_ts[i + 1] # There is one event file for each feature map. for f, event_file in enumerate(layer.evs_files): events = np.genfromtxt(self.megadirname + event_file, delimiter=" ", dtype="int") # e == [timestamp, ?, ?, x-addr, y-addr, polarity] for e in events: t = e[0] if t < t_first or t >= t_last: continue t -= t_first + i spiketrains_b_l_t[i, f, e[4], e[3], t] = t elif module_string == 'module_flatten': return else: return return spiketrains_b_l_t
[docs] def get_spiketrains_input(self): # reset_ts marks the time when a new sample in the batch was simulated. reset_ts = [0] + list(np.array(np.genfromtxt( self.megadirname + "reset_event.stim", 'int', delimiter=" "), ndmin=2)[:, 0]) layer = self.layers[0] spiketrains_b_l_t = np.zeros([self.batch_size, 1] + list(layer.pop_size) + [self._num_timesteps]) # TODO: This part has not been tested. Input spikes are probably not # counted in self.synaptic_operations_b_t. try: for i in range(self.batch_size): t_first = reset_ts[i] t_last = reset_ts[i + 1] # We assume here there is one event file for each input channel. for f, event_file in enumerate(layer.evs_files): events = np.genfromtxt(self.megadirname + event_file, delimiter=" ", dtype="int") # e == [timestamp, ?, ?, x-addr, y-addr, polarity] for e in events: t = e[0] if t < t_first or t >= t_last: continue spiketrains_b_l_t[i, f, e[4], e[3], t] = t except IndexError: return spiketrains_b_l_t return spiketrains_b_l_t
[docs] def get_spiketrains_output(self): # reset_ts marks the time when a new sample in the batch was simulated. reset_ts = [0] + list(np.array(np.genfromtxt( self.megadirname + "reset_event.stim", 'int', delimiter=" "), ndmin=2)[:, 0]) layer = self.layers[-1] spiketrains_b_l_t = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.num_classes, self._num_timesteps]) for i in range(self.batch_size): t_first = reset_ts[i] t_last = reset_ts[i + 1] events = np.genfromtxt(self.megadirname + layer.evs_files[0], delimiter=" ", dtype="int") # e == [timestamp, ?, ?, target address, polarity] for e in events: t = e[0] if t < t_first or t >= t_last: continue t -= t_first + i spiketrains_b_l_t[i, e[3], t] = t
[docs] def get_vmem(self, **kwargs): return None
[docs] def get_spikes(self): """ Method that fetches all the events from all layers after a simulation is over. Returns ------- A list of all the events from all the layers. """ events = [] for l in self.layers: for fevs in l.evs_files: events.append(np.genfromtxt(self.megadirname + fevs, delimiter=" ", dtype="int")) return events
[docs] def get_output_spikes_batch(self): """Method that fetches the events from the output layer. Returns ------- A numpy array of the output events. """ outspikes_per_symbol = [] output_events = np.genfromtxt( self.megadirname + self.layers[-1].evs_files[0], delimiter=" ", dtype="int") reset_events = np.genfromtxt(self.megadirname + "reset_event.stim", delimiter=" ", dtype="int") reset_ts = reset_events[:, 0] start = 0 for i in range(len(reset_ts)): stop = reset_ts[i] indices = np.where(np.logical_and(output_events[:, 0] >= start, output_events[:, 0] < stop)) outspikes_per_symbol.append(output_events[indices]) start = stop return outspikes_per_symbol
[docs] @staticmethod def spike_count_histogram(events, pop_size=10): """ This method first creates a histogram based on the size of the layer and then returns the argmax of the neuron that fired the most spikes for that particular stimulus. If there are no spikes it will return -1. Parameters ---------- events: list List of megasim events of a particular layer pop_size: int Size of the fully connected module Returns ------- pop_spike_hist """ try: pop_spike_hist = np.histogram(events[:, 3], pop_size, (0, pop_size))[0] pop_spike_hist = np.argmax(pop_spike_hist) except IndexError: pop_spike_hist = -1 # np.zeros((1,pop_size)) import pdb pdb.set_trace() return pop_spike_hist
[docs] @staticmethod def check_megasim_output(megalog): """ A method that checks the prints of MegaSim for errors Parameters ---------- megalog: str String returned from executing megasim. """ megalog = str(megalog) megalog = megalog.lower() if megalog.find("error") > 0: print("MegaSim error: ") print(megalog) sys.exit(99)
[docs] def poisson_spike_generator_megasim(self, mnist_digit): """ Parameters ---------- mnist_digit: ndarray A 1d or 2d numpy array of an mnist digit (normalised 0-1). Returns ------- It will store the generated spike trains to a stimulus file in the megasim sim folder. """ spikes = [] for t in np.arange(0, self._duration, self._dt): # Create poisson input. spike_snapshot = np.random.random_sample(mnist_digit.shape) * \ self.rescale_fac inp = (spike_snapshot <= mnist_digit).astype('float32') # find the indexes of the non-zero neuron_id = list(np.nonzero(inp)) # check if input is flattened or 2d in order to extract the X,Y # addresses correctly if len(inp.shape) == 1: megasim_x = neuron_id[0] megasim_y = 0 else: megasim_x = neuron_id[2] megasim_y = neuron_id[1] spike_for_t = np.zeros((len(megasim_x), 6), dtype="int") spike_for_t[:, 0] = t # time-stamps spike_for_t[:, 1] = -1 # REQ spike_for_t[:, 2] = -1 # ACK spike_for_t[:, 3] = megasim_x # X address spike_for_t[:, 4] = megasim_y # Y address spike_for_t[:, 5] = 1 # polarity spikes.append(spike_for_t) spikes = np.vstack(spikes) np.savetxt(self.megadirname + self.layers[0].label + ".stim", spikes, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d")
[docs] def poisson_spike_generator_batchmode_megasim(self, mnist_digits): """ Parameters ---------- mnist_digits: ndarray A 1d or 2d numpy array of an mnist digit (normalised 0-1). Returns ------- It will store the generated spike trains to a stimulus file in the megasim sim folder. """ spikes = [] reset_events = [] softmax_in_events = [] timestamps = [] last_ts = 0 for i, digit in enumerate(mnist_digits): for t in np.arange(0, self._duration, self._dt): # Create poisson input. spike_snapshot = np.random.random_sample(digit.shape) * \ self.rescale_fac inp = (spike_snapshot <= digit).astype('float32') # find the indexes of the non-zero neuron_id = list(np.nonzero(inp)) # check if input is flattened or 2d in order to extract the X,Y # addresses correctly if len(inp.shape) == 1: megasim_x = neuron_id[0] megasim_y = 0 else: megasim_x = neuron_id[2] megasim_y = neuron_id[1] spike_for_t = np.zeros((len(megasim_x), 6), dtype="int") spike_for_t[:, 0] = t + last_ts # time-stamps spike_for_t[:, 1] = -1 # REQ spike_for_t[:, 2] = -1 # ACK spike_for_t[:, 3] = megasim_x # X address spike_for_t[:, 4] = megasim_y # Y address spike_for_t[:, 5] = 1 # polarity spikes.append(spike_for_t) # softmax control events rnd = np.random.uniform( 0, self.config.getint('input', 'input_rate')) if rnd < 300: softmax_in_events.append([t + last_ts, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1]) timestamps.append([last_ts, spike_for_t[-1][0]]) last_ts = spike_for_t[-1][0] + 1 # (self._duration*(i+1)) + 1 # reset control events reset_events.append([last_ts, -1, -1, 0, -2, -2]) last_ts += 1 if last_ts >= INT32_MAX: print("Timestamp larger than maximum 32bit integer, please use " "smaller batch size") sys.exit(1) spikes = np.vstack(spikes) reset_events = np.asarray(reset_events, dtype="int") reset_events = np.vstack(reset_events) softmax_in_events = np.asarray(softmax_in_events) np.savetxt(self.megadirname + self.layers[0].label + ".stim", spikes, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d") np.savetxt(self.megadirname + "reset_event.stim", reset_events, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d") np.savetxt(self.megadirname + "softmax_input.stim", softmax_in_events, delimiter=" ", fmt="%d") return timestamps
[docs] def generate_bias_clk(self, timestamp_batches): """ An external periodic (per timestep) event is used to trigger the biases, since megasim simulator is not a time-stepped simulator. Parameters ---------- timestamp_batches: List[list] List that includes the first and last timestamps of the input source, e.g. [[start0, stop0], [start1, stop1]]. Returns ------- Generates a megasim stimulus file in the experiment folder. """ bias_clk = [] fname = "bias_clk.stim" for ts in timestamp_batches: for t in np.arange(ts[0], ts[1] + 1, self._dt): bias_clk.append([t, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1]) np.savetxt(self.megadirname + fname, np.asarray(bias_clk), delimiter=" ", fmt="%d")
[docs] def build_schematic_updated(self): """ This method generates the main MegaSim schematic file TODO: this method is quite ugly! need to refactor it 99.20 non normalised first 100 samples = 100% reset to zero ------- """ use_biases = False bias_node = "bias_clk" for l in self.layers: try: if l.uses_biases: use_biases = True self.use_biases = True except AttributeError: pass reset_event_string = "reset_event" fileo = open(self.megadirname + self.megaschematic, "w") fileo.write(".netlist\n") # stim file first - node is input_evs fileo.write( self.layers[0].module_string + " {" + self.layers[0].label + "} " + self.layers[0].label + ".stim" + "\n") fileo.write("\n") self.layers[0].evs_files.append("node_" + self.layers[0].label + ".evs") if use_biases: fileo.write("source {bias_clk} bias_clk.stim") fileo.write("\n") # Check if the output layer is softmax if self.layers[-1].module_string == "module_softmax": fileo.write("source " + " {" "softmax_input" + "} " + "softmax_input" + ".stim" + "\n") fileo.write("\n") # if we are in batch mode (with reset signal event) if self.reset_signal_event: fileo.write("source " + " {" + reset_event_string + "} " + reset_event_string + ".stim" + "\n") fileo.write("\n") for n in range(1, len(self.layers)): # CONVOLUTIONAL AND AVERAGE POOLING MODULES # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if self.layers[n].module_string == 'module_conv' or \ self.layers[n].module_string == 'module_conv_NPP': for f in range(self.layers[n].num_of_FMs): # if there is only one input or we use reset signals if self.layers[n].n_in_ports == 1 or \ (self.layers[n].n_in_ports == 2 and use_biases) or \ (self.layers[n].n_in_ports == 3 and use_biases and self.reset_signal_event): # check if the presynaptic population is the input layer if n == 1: # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() pre_label_node = self.layers[n - 1].label if use_biases and self.layers[n].uses_biases: pre_label_node = pre_label_node + "," + \ bias_node if self.reset_signal_event: pre_label_node = pre_label_node + "," + \ reset_event_string else: pre_label_node = self.layers[ n - 1].label + "_" + str(f) if use_biases and self.layers[n].uses_biases: pre_label_node = pre_label_node + "," + \ bias_node if self.reset_signal_event: pre_label_node = pre_label_node + "," + \ reset_event_string buildline = self.layers[n].module_string + " {" + \ pre_label_node + "}" + "{" + \ self.layers[n].label + "_" + str(f) + "} " + \ self.layers[n].label + "_" + str(f) + ".prm" + \ " " + self.layers[n].label + ".stt" else: num_pre_nodes_in = self.layers[n].n_in_ports pre_label = self.layers[n - 1].label pre_nodes_str = [pre_label + "_" + str(x) for x in range(num_pre_nodes_in)] # if we are in batch mode if self.reset_signal_event: if use_biases and self.layers[n].uses_biases: pre_nodes_str[-2] = bias_node pre_nodes_str[-1] = reset_event_string else: # if testing sample by sample we dont need to use # reset signals pre_nodes_str[-1] = bias_node build_in_nodes = ",".join(pre_nodes_str) buildline = self.layers[n].module_string + " {" + \ build_in_nodes + "}" + "{" + \ self.layers[n].label + "_" + str(f) + "} " + \ self.layers[n].label + "_" + str(f) + ".prm" + \ " " + self.layers[n].label + ".stt" fileo.write(buildline + "\n") # list to hold the filename of the events that will be # generated self.layers[n].evs_files.append( "node_" + self.layers[n].label + "_" + str(f) + ".evs") fileo.write("\n") # FLATTEN MODULE elif self.layers[n].module_string == 'module_flatten': num_pre_nodes_in = self.layers[n].n_in_ports pre_label_node = self.layers[n - 1].label post_label_node = self.layers[n].label build_in_nodes = ",".join([pre_label_node + "_" + str(x) for x in range(num_pre_nodes_in)]) buildline = self.layers[n].module_string + " {" + \ build_in_nodes + "}" + "{" + post_label_node + "} " + \ post_label_node + ".prm" + " " + post_label_node + ".stt" fileo.write(buildline + "\n") fileo.write("\n") # list to hold the filename of the events that will be generated self.layers[n].evs_files.append("node_" + post_label_node + ".evs") # FULLY CONNECTED MODULES elif self.layers[n].module_string == 'module_fully_connected' or \ self.layers[n].module_string == "module_softmax" or \ self.layers[n].module_string == \ "module_fully_connected_NPP": # check if previous layer is flatten if self.layers[n].module_string == "module_softmax": pre_nodes = self.layers[n - 1].label # + ",softmax_input" if use_biases: pre_nodes = pre_nodes + "," + bias_node pre_nodes = pre_nodes + ",softmax_input" if self.reset_signal_event: pre_nodes = pre_nodes + "," + reset_event_string buildline = self.layers[n].module_string + " {" + \ pre_nodes + "}" + "{" + self.layers[n].label + "} " + \ self.layers[n].label + ".prm" + " " + \ self.layers[n].label + ".stt" else: pre_nodes = self.layers[n - 1].label if use_biases: pre_nodes = pre_nodes + "," + bias_node if self.reset_signal_event: pre_nodes = pre_nodes + "," + reset_event_string buildline = self.layers[n].module_string + " {" + \ pre_nodes + "}" + "{" + self.layers[n].label + "} " + \ self.layers[n].label + ".prm" + " " + \ self.layers[n].label + ".stt" fileo.write(buildline + "\n") fileo.write("\n") # list to hold the filename of the events that will be generated self.layers[n].evs_files.append("node_" + self.layers[n].label + ".evs") fileo.write("\n") fileo.write(".options" + "\n") if self.reset_signal_event: fileo.write("Tmax=" + str(INT32_MAX) + "\n") else: fileo.write("Tmax=" + str(int(self._duration)) + "\n") fileo.close()
[docs] def clean_megasim_sim_data(self): """ A method that removes the previous stimulus file and generated event files before testing a new sample. """ files = os.listdir(self.megadirname) evs_data = [x for x in files if x[-3:] == 'evs'] stim_data = [x for x in files if x[-4:] == 'stim'] for evs in evs_data: os.remove(self.megadirname + evs) for stim in stim_data: os.remove(self.megadirname + stim)
[docs] def set_spiketrain_stats_input(self): # Added this here because PyCharm complains about not all abstract # methods being implemented (even though this is not abstract). AbstractSNN.set_spiketrain_stats_input(self)