Source code for snntoolbox.utils.utils

"""General utility functions on project-level.

@author: rbodo

import importlib
import pkgutil

import json
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras

[docs]def get_range(start=0.0, stop=1.0, num=5, method='linear'): """Return a range of parameter values. Convenience function. For more flexibility, use ``numpy.linspace``, ``numpy.logspace``, ``numpy.random.random_sample`` directly. Parameters ---------- start: float The starting value of the sequence stop: float End value of the sequence. num: int Number of samples to generate. Must be non-negative. method: str The sequence will be computed on either a linear, logarithmic or random grid. Returns ------- samples: np.array There are ``num`` samples in the closed interval [start, stop]. """ methods = {'linear', 'log', 'random'} assert method in methods, "Specified grid-search method {} not supported.\ Choose among {}".format(method, methods) assert start < stop, "Start must be smaller than stop." assert num > 0 and isinstance(num, int), \ "Number of samples must be unsigned int." if method == 'linear': return np.linspace(start, stop, num) if method == 'log': return np.logspace(start, stop, num, endpoint=False) if method == 'random': return np.random.random_sample(num) * (stop - start) + start
[docs]def confirm_overwrite(filepath): """ If config.get('output', 'overwrite')==False and the file exists, ask user if it should be overwritten. """ if os.path.isfile(filepath): overwrite = input("[WARNING] {} already exists - ".format(filepath) + "overwrite? [y/n]") while overwrite not in ['y', 'n']: overwrite = input("Enter 'y' (overwrite) or 'n' (cancel).") return overwrite == 'y' return True
[docs]def to_json(data, path): """Write ``data`` dictionary to ``path``. A :py:exc:`TypeError` is raised if objects in ``data`` are not JSON serializable. """ def get_json_type(obj): """Get type of object to check if JSON serializable. Parameters ---------- obj: object Raises ------ TypeError Returns ------- : Union(string, Any) """ if type(obj).__module__ == np.__name__: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return obj.item() # if obj is a python 'type' if type(obj).__name__ == type.__name__: return obj.__name__ raise TypeError("{} not JSON serializable".format(type(obj).__name__)) json.dump(data, open(path, str('w')), default=get_json_type)
[docs]def import_helpers(filepath, config): """Import a module with helper functions from ``filepath``. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Filename or relative or absolute path of module to import. If only the filename is given, module is assumed to be in current working directory (``config.get('paths', 'path_wd')``). Non-absolute paths are taken relative to working dir. config: configparser.ConfigParser Settings. Returns ------- : Module with helper functions. """ path, filename = get_abs_path(filepath, config) return import_script(path, filename)
[docs]def get_abs_path(filepath, config): """Get an absolute path, possibly using current toolbox working dir. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Filename or relative or absolute path. If only the filename is given, file is assumed to be in current working directory (``config.get('paths', 'path_wd')``). Non-absolute paths are interpreted relative to working dir. config: configparser.ConfigParser Settings. Returns ------- path: str Absolute path to file. """ path, filename = os.path.split(filepath) if path == '': path = config.get('paths', 'path_wd') elif not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(config.get('paths', 'path_wd'), path)) return path, filename
[docs]def import_script(path, filename): """Import python script independently from python version. Parameters ---------- path: string Path to directory where to load script from. filename: string Name of script file. """ filepath = os.path.join(path, filename + '.py') v = sys.version_info if v >= (3, 5): import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(filename, filepath) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) elif v >= (3, 3): # noinspection PyCompatibility,PyUnresolvedReferences from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader mod = SourceFileLoader(filename, filepath).load_module() else: # noinspection PyDeprecation import imp # noinspection PyDeprecation mod = imp.load_source(filename, filepath) return mod
[docs]def binary_tanh(x): """Round a float to -1 or 1. Parameters ---------- x: float Returns ------- : int Integer in {-1, 1} """ return keras.backend.sign(x)
[docs]def binary_sigmoid(x): """Round a float to 0 or 1. Parameters ---------- x: float Returns ------- : int Integer in {0, 1} """ return keras.backend.round(hard_sigmoid(x))
[docs]def hard_sigmoid(x): """ Parameters ---------- x : Returns ------- """ return keras.backend.clip((x + 1.) / 2., 0, 1)
[docs]def binarize_var(w, h=1., deterministic=True): """Binarize shared variable. Parameters ---------- w: keras.backend.Variable Weights. h: float Values are round to ``+/-h``. deterministic: bool Whether to apply deterministic rounding. Returns ------- w: keras.backend.variable The binarized weights. """ # [-1, 1] -> [0, 1] wb = hard_sigmoid(w / h) # Deterministic / stochastic rounding wb = keras.backend.round(wb) if deterministic \ else keras.backend.cast_to_floatx(np.random.binomial(1, wb)) # {0, 1} -> {-1, 1} wb = keras.backend.cast_to_floatx(keras.backend.switch(wb, h, -h)) return keras.backend.cast_to_floatx(wb)
[docs]def binarize(w, h=1., deterministic=True): """Binarize weights. Parameters ---------- w: ndarray Weights. h: float Values are round to ``+/-h``. deterministic: bool Whether to apply deterministic rounding. Returns ------- : ndarray The binarized weights. """ # [-1, 1] -> [0, 1] wb = np.clip((np.add(np.true_divide(w, h), 1.)) / 2., 0, 1) # Deterministic / stochastic rounding wb = np.round(wb) if deterministic else np.random.binomial(1, wb) # {0, 1} -> {-1, 1} wb[wb != 0] = h wb[wb == 0] = -h return np.asarray(wb, np.float32)
[docs]def reduce_precision(x, m, f): """Reduces precision of ``x`` to format ``Qm.f``. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Input data. m : int Number of integer bits. f : int Number of fractional bits. Returns ------- x_lp : ndarray The input data with reduced precision. """ n = 2 << f - 1 maxval = (2 << m - 1) - 1.0 / n return np.clip(np.true_divide(np.round(x * n), n), -maxval, maxval)
[docs]def reduce_precision_var(x, m, f): """Reduces precision of ``x`` to format ``Qm.f``. Parameters ---------- x : keras.backend.variable Input data. m : int Number of integer bits. f : int Number of fractional bits. Returns ------- x_lp : keras.backend.variable The input data with reduced precision. """ n = 2 << f - 1 maxval = (2 << m - 1) - 1.0 / n return keras.backend.clip(keras.backend.round(x * n) / n, -maxval, maxval)
[docs]def quantized_relu(x, m, f): """ Rectified linear unit activation function with precision of ``x`` reduced to fixed point format ``Qm.f``. Parameters ---------- x : keras.backend.variable Input data. m : int Number of integer bits. f : int Number of fractional bits. Returns ------- x_lp : keras.backend.variable The input data with reduced precision. """ return keras.backend.relu(reduce_precision_var(x, m, f))
[docs]class LimitedReLU(keras.layers.ReLU): def __init__(self, cfg): super(LimitedReLU, self).__init__(**cfg) self.__name__ = '{}_{}_{}_LimitedReLU'.format( self.negative_slope, self.max_value, self.threshold)
[docs] def get_cfg(self): return self.get_config()
[docs] def set_cfg(self, cfg): self.__init__(cfg)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(LimitedReLU, self).call(args[0])
[docs]class ClampedReLU: """ Rectified linear unit activation function where values in ``x`` below ``threshold`` are clamped to 0, and values above ``max_value`` are clipped to ``max_value``. Attributes ---------- threshold : Optional[float] max_value : Optional[float] """ def __init__(self, threshold=0.1, max_value=None): # Todo: Change defaults self.threshold = threshold self.max_value = max_value self.__name__ = 'clamped_relu_{}_{}'.format(self.threshold, self.max_value) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): x = keras.backend.relu(args[0], max_value=self.max_value) return tf.where(keras.backend.less(x, self.threshold), keras.backend.zeros_like(x), x)
[docs]class NoisySoftplus: def __init__(self, k=0.17, sigma=1): self.k = k self.sigma = sigma self.__name__ = 'noisy_softplus_{}_{}'.format(self.k, self.sigma) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.k * self.sigma * keras.backend.softplus( args[0] / (self.k * self.sigma))
[docs]def wilson_score(p, n): """Confidence interval of a binomial distribution. See Parameters ---------- p: float The proportion of successes in ``n`` experiments. n: int The number of Bernoulli-trials (sample size). Returns ------- The confidence interval. """ if n == 0: return 0 # Quantile z of a standard normal distribution, for the error quantile a: z = 1.96 # 1.44 for a == 85%, 1.96 for a == 95% return (z * np.sqrt((p * (1 - p) + z * z / (4 * n)) / n)) / (1 + z * z / n)
[docs]def extract_label(label): """Get the layer number, name and shape from a string. Parameters ---------- label: str Specifies both the layer type, index and shape, e.g. ``'03Conv2D_3x32x32'``. Returns ------- : tuple[int, str, tuple] - layer_num: The index of the layer in the network. - name: The type of the layer. - shape: The shape of the layer """ label = label.split('_') layer_num = None for i in range(max(4, len(label) - 2)): if label[0][:i].isdigit(): layer_num = int(label[0][:i]) name = ''.join(s for s in label[0] if not s.isdigit()) if name[-1] == 'D': name = name[:-1] if len(label) > 1: shape = tuple([int(s) for s in label[-1].split('x')]) else: shape = () return layer_num, name, shape
[docs]def in_top_k(predictions, targets, k): """Returns whether the ``targets`` are in the top ``k`` ``predictions``. # Arguments predictions: A tensor of shape batch_size x classes and type float32. targets: A tensor of shape batch_size and type int32 or int64. k: An int, number of top elements to consider. # Returns A tensor of shape batch_size and type int. output_i is 1 if targets_i is within top-k values of predictions_i """ predictions_top_k = np.argsort(predictions)[:, -k:] return np.array([np.equal(p, t).any() for p, t in zip(predictions_top_k, targets)])
[docs]def top_k_categorical_accuracy(y_true, y_pred, k=5): """ Parameters ---------- y_true : y_pred : k : Returns ------- """ return np.mean(in_top_k(y_pred, np.argmax(y_true, axis=-1), k))
[docs]def echo(text): """python 2 version of print(end='', flush=True).""" sys.stdout.write(u'{}'.format(text)) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def to_list(x): """Normalize a list/tensor to a list. If a tensor is passed, returns a list of size 1 containing the tensor. """ return x if type(x) is list else [x]
[docs]def apply_modifications(model, custom_objects=None): """Applies modifications to the model layers to create a new Graph. For example, simply changing ``model.layers[idx].activation = new activation`` does not change the graph. The entire graph needs to be updated with modified inbound and outbound tensors because of change in layer building function. Parameters ---------- model: keras.models.Model custom_objects: dict Returns ------- The modified model with changes applied. Does not mutate the original ``model``. """ # The strategy is to save the modified model and load it back. This is done # because setting the activation in a Keras layer doesnt actually change # the graph. We have to iterate the entire graph and change the layer # inbound and outbound nodes with modified tensors. This is doubly # complicated in Keras 2.x since multiple inbound and outbound nodes are # allowed with the Graph API. # Taken from # # noinspection PyProtectedMember model_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) + '.h5') try: return keras.models.load_model(model_path, custom_objects) finally: os.remove(model_path)
[docs]def import_configparser(): try: import configparser except ImportError: # noinspection PyPep8Naming import ConfigParser as configparser return configparser
[docs]def is_module_installed(mod): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return pkgutil.find_loader(mod) is not None else: return importlib.util.find_spec(mod) is not None
[docs]def get_pearson_coefficients(spikerates_batch, activations_batch, max_rate): """ Compute Pearson coefficients. Parameters ---------- spikerates_batch : activations_batch : max_rate: float Highest spike rate. Returns ------- co: list """ co = [] for layer_num in range(len(spikerates_batch)): c = [] for sample in range(len(spikerates_batch[0][0])): s = spikerates_batch[layer_num][0][sample].flatten() a = activations_batch[layer_num][0][sample].flatten() if layer_num < len(spikerates_batch) - 1: # Remove points at origin and saturated units, except for # output layer (has too few units and gets activation of 1 # because of softmax). ss = [] aa = [] for sss, aaa in zip(s, a): if (sss > 0 or aaa > 0) and aaa < max_rate: ss.append(sss) aa.append(aaa) s = ss a = aa c.append(np.corrcoef(s, a)[0, 1]) co.append(c) return co