
To configure the toolbox for a specific experiment, create a plain text file and add the parameters you want to set, using INI/conf file syntax. See also our Examples. Any settings you do not specify will be filled in with the default values. When starting the toolbox, you may pass the location of this settings file as argument to the program.

The toolbox settings are grouped in the following categories:


path_wd: str, optional
Working directory. There, the toolbox will look for ANN models to convert or SNN models to test. If not specified, the toolbox will try to create and use the directory ~/.snntoolbox/data/<filename_ann>/<simulator>/.
dataset_path: str
Select a directory where the toolbox will find the samples to test. See dataset_format for supported input types.
log_dir_of_current_run: str, optional
Path to directory where the output plots and logs are stored. Default: <path_wd>/log/gui/<runlabel>.
runlabel: str, optional
Label of current experiment. Default: ‘test’.
filename_ann: str
Name of ANN model to be converted.
filename_parsed_model: string, optional
Name given to parsed SNN model. Default: ‘<filename_ann>_parsed’.
filename_snn: str, optional
Name given to converted spiking model when exported to test it in a specific simulator. Default: <filename_ann>_<simulator>.
filename_clamp_indices: str, optional
Name of file containing a dictionary of clamp indices. Each key specifies a layer index, and the corresponding value defines the number of time steps during which the membrane potential of neurons in this layer are clamped to zero. If this option is not specified, no layers are clamped.
class_idx_path: str, optional
Only needed if the data set is stored as images in folders denoting the class label (i.e. dataset_format = jpg below). Then class_idx_path is the path to a file containing a dictionary that maps the class labels to the corresponding indices of neurons in the output layer.


model_lib: str

The neural network library used to build the ANN. Currently supported:

  • keras
  • lasagne
  • caffe
dataset_format: str, optional

The following input formats are supported:

  1. npz: Compressed numpy format.
  2. jpg: Images in directories corresponding to their class.
  3. aedat: Sequence of address-events recorded from a Dynamic Vision Sensor.

A) Default. Provide at least two compressed numpy files called x_test.npz and y_test.npz containing the test set and ground truth. In addition, if the network should be normalized, put a file x_norm.npz in the folder. This can be a the training set, or a subset of it. Take care of memory limitations: If numpy can allocate a 4 GB float32 container for the activations to be computed during normalization, x_norm should contain not more than 4*1e9*8bit/(fc*fx*fy*32bit) = 1/n samples, where (fc, fx, fy) is the shape of the largest layer, and n = fc*fx*fy its total cell count.

B) The images are stored in subdirectories of the selected dataset_path, where the names of the subdirectories represent their class label. The toolbox will then use keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator to load and process the files batchwise. Setting jpg here works even if the images are actually in .png or .bmp format.

  1. Beta stage.
datagen_kwargs: str, optional
Specify keyword arguments for the data generator that will be used to load image files from subdirectories in the dataset_path. Need to be given in form of a python dictionary. See keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator for possible values.
dataflow_kwargs: str, optional
Specify keyword arguments for the data flow that will get the samples from the ImageDataGenerator. Need to be given in form of a python dictionary. See keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory for possible values.
poisson_input: float, optional
If enabled, the input samples will be converted to Poisson spiketrains. The probability for a input neuron to fire is proportional to the analog value of the corresponding pixel, and limited by the parameter ‘input_rate’ below. For instance, with an input_rate of 200, a fully-on pixel will elicit a Poisson spiketrain of 200 Hz. Turn off for a less noisy simulation. Currently, turning off Poisson input is only possible in INI simulator.
input_rate: float, optional
Poisson spike rate in Hz for a fully-on pixel of the input image. Note that the input_rate is limited by the maximum firing rate supported by the simulator (given by the inverse time resolution 1000 * 1 / dt Hz).
num_poisson_events_per_sample: int, optional
Limits the number of Poisson spikes generated from each frame. Default: -1 (unlimited).
num_dvs_events_per_sample: int, optional
Number of DVS events used in one image classification trial. Can be thought of as being equivalent to one frame. Default: 2000.
eventframe_width: int, optional
To be able to use asynchronous DVS events in our time-stepped simulator, we collect them into frames (binary maps) which are presented to the SNN at subsequent time steps. The option eventframe_width defines how many timesteps the timestamps of events in such a frame should span at most. Default: 10.
label_dict: dict
Dictionary containing the class labels. Only needed with .aedat input.
chip_size: tuple
When using .aedat input, the addresses can be checked for outliers, or may have to be subsampled from the original chip_size to the image dimension required by the network. Set chip_size to the shape of the DVS chip that was used to record the aedat sample, e.g. (240, 180). The image dimension to subsample to will be infered from the shape of the input layer of the network.
frame_gen_method: str

How to accumulate DVS events into frames.

  • signed_sum: DVS events are added up while their polarity is taken into account. (ON and OFF events cancel each other out.)
  • rectified_sum: Polarity is discarded; all events are considered ON.
is_x_first: bool
Whether the x-address of a DVS events is considered as the first dimension when accumulating events into 2-D frame.
is_x_flipped: bool
Whether to reflect DVS image through vertical axis.
is_y_flipped: bool
Whether to reflect DVS image through horizontal axis.


evaluateANN: bool, optional

If enabled, the ANN is tested at two stages:

  1. At the very beginning, using the input model as provided by the user.
  2. After parsing the input model to our internal Keras representation, and applying any optional modifications like replacing Softmax activation by ReLU, replacing MaxPooling by AveragePooling, and normalizing the network parameters.

This ensures all operations on the ANN preserve the accuracy.

parse: bool, optional
If enabled, the input ANN is parsed for further processing in the SNN toolbox. Needs to be done the first time you run your model. The toolbox then saves the parsed model and, if parse=False, will load it the next time.
normalize: bool, optional
If enabled, the parameters of each layer will be normalized by the highest activation value, or by the n-th percentile (see parameter percentile below).
convert: bool, optional
If enabled, load an ANN from path_wd and convert it to spiking.
simulate: bool, optional
If enabled, load SNN from path_wd and test it on the specified simulator (see parameter simulator).


percentile: int, optional
Use the activation value in the specified percentile for normalization. Set to 50 for the median, 100 for the max. Typical values are 99, 99.9, 100.
normalization_schedule: bool, optional
Reduce the normalization factor each layer.
online_normalization: bool, optional
The converted spiking network performs best if the average firing rates of each layer are not higher but also not much lower than the maximum rate supported by the simulator (inverse time resolution). Normalization eliminates saturation but introduces undersampling (parameters are normalized with respect to the highest value in a batch). To overcome this, the spikerates of each layer are monitored during simulation. If they drop below the maximum firing rate by more than ‘diff to max rate’, we set the threshold of the layer to its highest rate.
diff_to_max_rate: float, optional
If the highest firing rate of neurons in a layer drops below the maximum firing rate by more than ‘diff to max rate’, we set the threshold of the layer to its highest rate. Set the parameter in Hz.
diff_to_min_rate: float, optional
When The firing rates of a layer are below this value, the weights will NOT be modified in the feedback mechanism described in ‘online_normalization’. This is useful in the beginning of a simulation, when higher layers need some time to integrate up a sufficiently high membrane potential.
timestep_fraction: int, optional
If set to 10 (default), the parameter modification mechanism described in ‘online_normalization’ will be performed at every 10th timestep.


softmax_to_relu: bool, optional
If True, replace softmax by ReLU activation function, which is the default for most simulator backends. The INI simulator by default approximates the softmax in a spiking implementation. This approximation may reduce accuracy. It is safe to replace softmax by ReLU as long as the inputs to the activation function are not all negative for a sample. In that case, the spiking ReLU neurons would not be able to determine a winner.
maxpool_type: str, optional

Implementation variants of spiking MaxPooling layers, based on

  • fir_max: accumulated absolute firing rate (default)
  • avg_max: moving average of firing rate
  • exp_max: exponential FIR filter.
max2avg_pool: bool, optional
If True, max pooling layers are replaced by average pooling.
spike_code: str, optional

Describes the code used to transform analog activation values of the original network into spikes.

  • temporal_mean_rate (default): Average over number of spikes that occur during simulation duration.
  • temporal_pattern: Analog activation value is transformed into binary representation of spikes.
  • ttfs: Instantaneous firing rate is given by the inverse time-to-first-spike.
  • ttfs_dyn_thresh: Like ttfs, but with a threshold that adapts dynamically to the amount of input a neuron has received.
  • ttfs_corrective: Allows corrective spikes to be fired to improve the first guess made by ttfs.
num_bits: int, optional
Bit-resolution that a binary spike train can maximally encode when using spike_code = temporal_pattern.


simulator: str, optional
Simulator with which to run the converted spiking network.
duration: float, optional
Runtime of simulation of one input in milliseconds.
dt: float, optional
Time resolution of spikes in milliseconds.
num_to_test: int, optional
How many samples to test.
sample_idxs_to_test: Iterable, optional
List of sample indices to test.
batch_size: int, optional
If the builtin simulator ‘INI’ is used, the batch size specifies the number of test samples that will be simulated in parallel.
reset_between_nth_sample: int, optional
When testing a video sequence, this option allows turning off the reset between individual samples. Default: 1 (reset after every frame). Set to a negative value to turn off reset completely.
top_k: int, optional
In addition to the top-1 error, report top_k error during simulation. Default: 5.
keras_backend: str, optional

The backend to use in INI simulator.

  • theano: Only works in combination with spike_code = temporal_mean_rate.
  • tensorflow: Does not implement the spiking MaxPool layer when using spike_code = temporal_mean_rate.


v_thresh: float, optional
Threshold in mV defining the voltage at which a spike is fired.
v_reset: float, optional
Reset potential in mV of the neurons after spiking.
v_rest: float, optional
Resting membrane potential in mV.
i_offset: float, optional
Offset current in nA.
cm: float, optional
Membrane capacitance in nF.
tau_m: float, optional
Membrane time constant in milliseconds.
tau_refrac: float, optional
Duration of refractory period in milliseconds of the neurons after spiking.
tau_syn_E: float, optional
Decay time of the excitatory synaptic conductance in milliseconds.
tau_syn_I: float, optional
Decay time of the inhibitory synaptic conductance in milliseconds.
delay: float, optional
Delay in milliseconds. Must be equal to or greater than the resolution.
binarize_weights: bool, optional
If True, the weights are binarized.
scaling_factor: int, optional
Used by the MegaSim simulator to scale the neuron parameters and weights because MegaSim uses integers.
payloads: bool, optional
Whether or not to send a float value together with each spike.
reset: str, optional

Choose the reset mechanism to apply after spike.

  • ‘Reset to zero’: After spike, the membrane potential is set to the resting potential.
  • ‘Reset by subtraction’: After spike, the membrane potential is reduced by a value equal to the threshold.
  • ‘Reset by modulo’: After spike, the membrane potential is reduced by the smallest multiple of the threshold such that the new membrane potential is below threshold.
leak: bool, optional
Experimental feature. False by default.


Enables running the toolbox with the same settings except for one parameter being varied. In beta stadium.

param_values: list, optional
Contains the parameter values for which the simulation will be repeated.
param_name: str, optional
Label indicating the parameter to sweep, e.g. 'v_thresh'.
param_logscale: bool, optional
If True, plot test accuracy vs params in log scale.


See also this comment for more information.

log_vars: set, optional
Specify the variables to monitor and save to disk. Possible values: ‘activations_n_b_l’, ‘spiketrains_n_b_l_t’, ‘input_b_l_t’, ‘mem_n_b_l_t’, ‘synaptic_operations_b_t’, ‘neuron_operations_b_t’, ‘all’. Default: {}.
plot_vars: set, optional
Specify the variables to monitor and plot. Possible values: ‘activations’, ‘spiketrains’, ‘spikecounts’, ‘spikerates’, ‘input_image’, ‘error_t’, ‘confusion_matrix’, ‘correlation’, ‘hist_spikerates_activations’, ‘normalization_activations’, ‘operations’, ‘all’. Default: {}.
verbose: int, optional
If nonzero (default), print current error rate at every time step during simulation.
overwrite: bool, optional
If False, the save methods will ask for permission to overwrite files before writing parameters, activations, models etc. to disk. Default: True.
plotproperties: dict, optional
Options that modify matplotlib plot properties.

SNN toolbox default settings

path_wd =
dataset_path =
log_dir_of_current_run =
runlabel = test
filename_ann =
filename_parsed_model =
filename_snn =
filename_clamp_indices =
filepath_custom_objects =
class_idx_path =

model_lib = keras
dataset_format = npz
datagen_kwargs = {}
dataflow_kwargs = {}
poisson_input = False
input_rate = 1000
num_poisson_events_per_sample = -1
num_dvs_events_per_sample = 2000
eventframe_width = 10
label_dict = {}
chip_size = None
frame_gen_method =
is_x_first =
is_x_flipped =
is_y_flipped =
maxpool_subsampling = True
do_clip_three_sigma = True
keras_dataset =

evaluate_ann = True
parse = True
normalize = True
convert = True
simulate = True
serialise_only = False

percentile = 99.9
normalization_schedule = False
online_normalization = False
diff_to_max_rate = 200
diff_to_min_rate = 100
timestep_fraction = 10

softmax_to_relu = False
maxpool_type = fir_max
max2avg_pool = False
spike_code = temporal_mean_rate
num_bits = 32

simulator = INI
duration = 200
dt = 1
batch_size = 1
num_to_test = 1
sample_idxs_to_test = []
reset_between_nth_sample = 1
top_k = 1
keras_backend = tensorflow
early_stopping = False

number_of_neurons_per_core = 64

v_thresh = 1
tau_refrac = 0
v_reset = 0
v_rest = 0
cm = 1
tau_m = 1000
tau_syn_E = 0.01
tau_syn_I = 0.01
delay = 0
binarize_weights = False
quantize_weights = False
scaling_factor = 10000000
payloads = False
reset = Reset by subtraction
leak = False
bias_relaxation = False

param_values = []
param_name = v_thresh
param_logscale = False

log_vars = {}
plot_vars = {}
verbose = 1
overwrite = True
use_simple_labels = True
plotproperties = {
    'font.size': 13,
    'axes.titlesize': 'xx-large',
    'axes.labelsize': 'xx-large',
    'xtick.labelsize': 'xx-large',
    'xtick.major.size': 7,
    'xtick.minor.size': 5,
    'ytick.labelsize': 'xx-large',
    'ytick.major.size': 7,
    'ytick.minor.size': 5,
    'legend.fontsize': 'xx-large',
    'figure.figsize': (7, 6),
    'savefig.format': 'png'}

# Use the following section to specify sets of possible values that certain
# config settings may accept. Will be used in `bin.utils.update_setup` to test
# validity of config.

model_libs = {'keras', 'lasagne', 'caffe', 'pytorch'}
dataset_formats = {'npz', 'jpg', 'aedat'}
frame_gen_method = {'signed_sum', 'rectified_sum',
                    'rectified_polarity_channels', 'signed_polarity_channels'}
maxpool_types = {'fir_max', 'exp_max', 'avg_max'}
simulators_pyNN = {'nest', 'brian', 'neuron', 'spiNNaker'}
simulators_other = {'INI', 'brian2', 'MegaSim', 'loihi'}
simulators = %(simulators_pyNN)s | %(simulators_other)s
# Keras backends:
keras_backends = {'theano', 'tensorflow'}
# Spike coding mechanisms:
spike_codes = {'temporal_mean_rate', 'temporal_pattern', 'ttfs',
               'ttfs_dyn_thresh', 'ttfs_corrective'}
# Layers that have neurons with membrane potentials, from which we can measure spikes:
spiking_layers = {'Dense', 'Conv1D', 'Conv2D', 'DepthwiseConv2D', 'Conv2DTranspose', 'UpSampling2D', 'MaxPooling2D',
                  'AveragePooling2D', 'Sparse', 'SparseConv2D',
# Layers that can be implemented by our spiking neuron simulators:
snn_layers = %(spiking_layers)s | {'Reshape', 'Flatten', 'Concatenate',
cellparams_pyNN = {'v_thresh', 'v_reset', 'v_rest', 'cm', 'tau_refrac',
                   'tau_m', 'tau_syn_E', 'tau_syn_I'}

log_vars = {'activations_n_b_l', 'spiketrains_n_b_l_t', 'input_b_l_t',
            'mem_n_b_l_t', 'synaptic_operations_b_t', 'neuron_operations_b_t',
plot_vars = {'activations', 'spiketrains', 'spikecounts', 'spikerates',
             'input_image', 'error_t', 'confusion_matrix', 'correlation',
             'hist_spikerates_activations', 'normalization_activations',
             'operations', 'v_mem', 'all'}