Source code for snntoolbox.simulation.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Various functions to visualize connectivity, activity and accuracy of the

@author: rbodo

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from snntoolbox.utils.utils import get_pearson_coefficients, extract_label, \
from snntoolbox.conversion.utils import get_activations_batch
from snntoolbox.simulation.utils import get_sample_activity_from_batch, \

[docs]def output_graphs(plot_vars, config, path=None, idx=0, data_format=None): """Wrapper function to display / save a number of plots. Parameters ---------- plot_vars: dict Example items: - spiketrains_n_b_l_t: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Each entry in ``spiketrains_batch`` contains a tuple ``(spiketimes, label)`` for each layer of the network (for the first batch only, and excluding ``Flatten`` layers). ``spiketimes`` is an array where the last index contains the spike times of the specific neuron, and the first indices run over the number of neurons in the layer: (batch_size, n_chnls, n_rows, n_cols, duration) ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'03Dense'``. - activations_n_b_l: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Activations of the ANN. - spikecounts_n_b_l: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Spikecounts of the SNN. Used to compute spikerates. config: configparser.ConfigParser Settings. path: Optional[str] If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. idx: int The index of the sample to display. Defaults to 0. data_format: Optional[str] One of 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. """ if plot_vars == {}: return if path is not None: print("Saving plots of one sample to {}...\n".format(path)) plot_keys = eval(config.get('output', 'plot_vars')) duration = config.getint('simulation', 'duration') if 'activations_n_b_l' in plot_vars: plot_vars['activations_n_l'] = get_sample_activity_from_batch( plot_vars['activations_n_b_l'], idx) if 'spiketrains_n_b_l_t' in plot_vars: plot_vars['spiketrains_n_l_t'] = get_sample_activity_from_batch( plot_vars['spiketrains_n_b_l_t'], idx) if any({'spikerates', 'correlation', 'hist_spikerates_activations'} & plot_keys): if 'spikerates_n_b_l' not in plot_vars: plot_vars['spikerates_n_b_l'] = spiketrains_to_rates( plot_vars['spiketrains_n_b_l_t'], duration, config.get('conversion', 'spike_code')) plot_vars['spikerates_n_l'] = get_sample_activity_from_batch( plot_vars['spikerates_n_b_l'], idx) plot_layer_summaries(plot_vars, config, path, data_format) print("Plotting batch run statistics...") if 'spikecounts' in plot_keys: plot_spikecount_vs_time(plot_vars['spiketrains_n_b_l_t'], duration, config.getfloat('simulation', 'dt'), path) if 'correlation' in plot_keys: plot_pearson_coefficients(plot_vars['spikerates_n_b_l'], plot_vars['activations_n_b_l'], config, path) if 'hist_spikerates_activations' in plot_keys: s = [] a = [] for i in range(len(plot_vars['spikerates_n_b_l'])): s += list(plot_vars['spikerates_n_b_l'][i][0].flatten()) a += list(plot_vars['activations_n_b_l'][i][0].flatten()) plot_hist({'Spikerates': s, 'Activations': a}, path=path) print("Done.\n")
[docs]def plot_layer_summaries(plot_vars, config, path=None, data_format=None): """Display or save a number of plots for a specific layer. Parameters ---------- plot_vars: dict Example items: - spikerates: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Each entry in ``spikerates`` contains a tuple ``(rates, label)`` for each layer of the network (for the first batch only, and excluding ``Flatten`` layers). ``rates`` contains the average firing rates of all neurons in a layer. It has the same shape as the original layer, e.g. (n_features, n_rows, n_cols) for a convolution layer. ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'03Dense'``. - activations: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Contains the activations of a net. Same structure as ``spikerates``. - spiketrains: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Each entry in ``spiketrains`` contains a tuple ``(spiketimes, label)`` for each layer of the network (for the first batch only, and excluding ``Flatten`` layers). ``spiketimes`` is an array where the last index contains the spike times of the specific neuron, and the first indices run over the number of neurons in the layer: (n_chnls, n_rows, n_cols, duration) ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'03Dense'``. config: configparser.ConfigParser Settings. path: Optional[str] If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. data_format: Optional[str] One of 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. """ plot_keys = eval(config.get('output', 'plot_vars')) if len(plot_vars.keys()) == 0: return num_layers = len(list(plot_vars.values())[0]) for i in range(num_layers): label = list(plot_vars.values())[0][i][1] name = extract_label(label)[1] \ if config.getboolean('output', 'use_simple_labels') else label print("Plotting layer {}".format(label)) newpath = os.path.join(path, label) if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) if 'spiketrains' in plot_keys: plot_spiketrains(plot_vars['spiketrains_n_l_t'][i], config.getfloat('simulation', 'dt'), newpath, data_format) if 'spikerates' in plot_keys: plot_layer_activity(plot_vars['spikerates_n_l'][i], str('Spikerates'), newpath, data_format=data_format) plot_hist( {'Spikerates': plot_vars['spikerates_n_l'][i][0].flatten()}, 'Spikerates', name, newpath) if 'activations' in plot_keys: plot_layer_activity(plot_vars['activations_n_l'][i], str('Activations'), newpath, data_format=data_format) if 'spikerates' in plot_keys and 'activations_n_l' in plot_vars: plot_activations_minus_rates(plot_vars['activations_n_l'][i][0], plot_vars['spikerates_n_l'][i][0], name, newpath, data_format) if 'correlation' in plot_keys: plot_layer_correlation( plot_vars['spikerates_n_l'][i][0].flatten(), plot_vars['activations_n_l'][i][0].flatten(), str('ANN-SNN correlations\n of layer '+name), config, newpath, False)
[docs]def plot_layer_activity(layer, title, path=None, limits=None, data_format=None): """Visualize a layer by arranging the neurons in a line or on a 2D grid. Can be used to show average firing rates of individual neurons in an SNN, or the activation function per layer in an ANN. The activity is encoded by color. Parameters ---------- layer: tuple[np.array, str] ``(activity, label)``. ``activity`` is an array of the same shape as the original layer, containing e.g. the spikerates or activations of neurons in a layer. ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'3Dense'``. title: str Figure title. path: Optional[str] If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. limits: Optional[tuple] If not ``None``, the colormap of the resulting image is limited by this tuple. data_format: Optional[str] One of 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. """ data = layer[0] # Reshape data to our default format. if data_format != 'channels_first' and data.ndim == 3: data = np.moveaxis(data, -1, 0) # Highest possible spike rate, used to normalize image plots. Need to # define these here because we plot only one colorbar for several # subplots, each having a possibly different range. vmax = np.max(data) vmin = np.min(data) if limits is None: limits = (vmin, vmax) # Add dummy dimension if layer is a Conv1D: if data.ndim == 2: data = np.expand_dims(data, 0) im = None shape = data.shape num = shape[0] fac = 1 # Scales height of colorbar # Case: One-dimensional layer (e.g. Dense). If larger than 100 neurons, # form a rectangle. Otherwise plot a 1d-image. if len(shape) == 1: if num >= 100: n = int(np.sqrt(num)) while num / n % 1 != 0: n -= 1 f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, min(3+n*n*n/num/2, 9))) im = ax.imshow(np.reshape(data, (n, -1)), interpolation='nearest', clim=limits) else: f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 2)) im = ax.imshow(np.array(data, ndmin=2), interpolation='nearest', clim=limits) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # Case: Multi-dimensional layer, where first dimension gives the number of # channels (input layer) or feature maps (convolution layer). # Plot feature maps as 2d-images next to each other, but start a new column # when four rows are filled, since the number of features in a # convolution layer is often a multiple of 4. else: if num < 4: # Arrange less than 4 feature maps in a single row. num_rows = 1 num_cols = num else: # Arrange more than 4 feature maps in a rectangle. num_rows = 4 num_cols = int(np.ceil(num / num_rows)) if num_cols > 4: fac = num_cols / 4 f, ax = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, squeeze=False, figsize=(3+num_cols*2, 11)) for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): idx = j + num_cols * i if idx >= num: break im = ax[i, j].imshow(data[idx], interpolation='nearest', clim=limits) ax[i, j].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax[i, j].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) unit = ' [kHz]' if title == 'Spikerates' else '' f.suptitle('{} \n of layer {}'.format(title + unit, layer[1]), fontsize=20) f.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0.99, top=0.9, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) cax = f.add_axes([0.99, 0, 0.05 / fac, 0.99]) cax.locator_params(nbins=8) f.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') if path is not None: if title == 'Activations': filename = '0' + title elif title == 'Spikerates': filename = '1' + title elif title == 'Spikerates_minus_Activations': filename = '2' + title else: filename = title plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_activations(model, x_test, path, data_format=None): """Plot activations of a network. Parameters ---------- model: keras.models.Model Keras model. x_test: ndarray The samples. path: str Where to save plot. data_format: Optional[str] One of 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. """ activations_batch = get_activations_batch(model, x_test) activations = get_sample_activity_from_batch(activations_batch, 0) for i in range(len(activations)): label = activations[i][1] print("Plotting layer {}".format(label)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) j = str(i) if i > 9 else '0' + str(i) plot_layer_activity(activations[i], j+label, path, data_format=data_format)
[docs]def plot_activations_minus_rates(activations, rates, label, path=None, data_format=None): """Plot spikerates minus activations for a specific layer. Spikerates and activations are each normalized before subtraction. The neurons in the layer are arranged in a line or on a 2D grid, depending on layer type. Activity is encoded by color. Parameters ---------- activations: ndarray The activations of a layer. The shape is that of the original layer, e.g. (32, 28, 28) for 32 feature maps of size 28x28. rates: ndarray The spikerates of a layer. The shape is that of the original layer, e.g. (32, 28, 28) for 32 feature maps of size 28x28. label: str Layer label. path: Optional[str] If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. data_format: Optional[str] One of 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. """ activations_norm = activations / np.max(activations) rates_norm = rates / np.max(rates) if np.max(rates) != 0 else rates plot_layer_activity( (activations_norm - rates_norm, label), str('Activations_minus_Spikerates'), path, (-1, 1), data_format)
[docs]def plot_layer_correlation(rates, activations, title, config, path=None, same_xylim=True): """ Plot correlation between spikerates and activations of a specific layer, as 2D-dot-plot. Parameters ---------- rates: np.array The spikerates of a layer, flattened to 1D. activations: Union[ndarray, Iterable] The activations of a layer, flattened to 1D. title: str Plot title. config: configparser.ConfigParser Settings. path: Optional[str] If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. same_xylim: Optional[bool] Whether to use the same axis limit on the ``rates`` and ``activations``. If ``True``, the maximum is chosen. Default: ``True``. """ # Determine percentage of saturated neurons. Need to subtract one time step dt = config.getfloat('simulation', 'dt') duration = config.getint('simulation', 'duration') p = np.mean(np.greater_equal(rates, 1000 / dt - 1000 / duration / dt)) plt.figure() plt.plot(activations, rates, '.') plt.annotate("{:.2%} units saturated.".format(p), xy=(1, 1), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(-200, -20), textcoords='offset points') plt.title(title, fontsize=20) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) lim = max([1.1, max(activations), max(rates)]) if same_xylim else None plt.xlim([0, lim]) plt.ylim([0, lim]) plt.xlabel('ANN activations', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('SNN spikerates [Hz]', fontsize=16) if path is not None: filename = '5Correlation' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_correlations(a, b, path=None, filename=None): plt.figure() plt.plot(a.flatten(), b.flatten(), '.') if path is not None: filename = filename if filename is not None else 'correlation' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_network_correlations(spikerates, layer_activations): """Plot the correlation between SNN spiketrains and ANN activations. For each layer, the method draws a scatter plot, showing the correlation between the average firing rate of neurons in the SNN layer and the activation of the corresponding neurons in the ANN layer. Parameters ---------- spikerates: list of tuples ``(spikerate, label)``. ``spikerate`` is a 1D array containing the mean firing rates of the neurons in a specific layer. ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'3Dense'``. layer_activations: list of tuples ``(activations, label)`` Each entry represents a layer in the ANN for which an activation can be calculated (e.g. ``Dense``, ``Conv2D``). ``activations`` is an array of the same dimension as the corresponding layer, containing the activations of Dense or Convolution layers. ``label`` is a string specifying the layer type, e.g. ``'Dense'``. """ num_layers = len(layer_activations) # Determine optimal shape for rectangular arrangement of plots num_rows = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_layers))) num_cols = int(np.ceil(num_layers / num_rows)) f, ax = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, squeeze=False, figsize=(8, 1 + num_rows * 4)) for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): layer_num = j + i * num_cols if layer_num >= num_layers: break ax[i, j].plot(layer_activations[layer_num][0].flatten(), spikerates[layer_num][0], '.') ax[i, j].set_title(spikerates[layer_num][1], fontsize='medium') ax[i, j].locator_params(nbins=4) ax[i, j].set_xlim([None, np.max(layer_activations[layer_num][0]) * 1.1]) ax[i, j].set_ylim([None, max(spikerates[layer_num][0]) * 1.1]) f.suptitle('ANN-SNN correlations', fontsize=20) f.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3) f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'SNN spikerates (Hz)', ha='center', fontsize=16) f.text(0.04, 0.5, 'ANN activations', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=16)
[docs]def plot_pearson_coefficients(spikerates_batch, activations_batch, config, path=None): """ Plot the Pearson correlation coefficients for each layer, averaged over one mini batch. Parameters ---------- spikerates_batch: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Each entry in ``spikerates_batch`` contains a tuple ``(spikerates, label)`` for each layer of the network (for the first batch only, and excluding ``Flatten`` layers). ``spikerates`` contains the average firing rates of all neurons in a layer. It has the same shape as the original layer, e.g. (batch_size, n_features, n_rows, n_cols) for a convolution layer. ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'03Dense'``. activations_batch: list[tuple[np.array, str]] Contains the activations of a net. Same structure as ``spikerates_batch``. config: configparser.ConfigParser Settings. path: Optional[str] Where to save the output. """ max_rate = 1. / config.getfloat('simulation', 'dt') co = get_pearson_coefficients(spikerates_batch, activations_batch, max_rate) # Average over batch corr = np.mean(co, axis=1) std = np.std(co, axis=1) labels = [sp[1] for sp in spikerates_batch] if config.getboolean('output', 'use_simple_labels'): labels = [extract_label(label)[1] for label in labels] plt.figure()[i + 0.1 for i in range(len(corr))], corr, width=0.8, yerr=std, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) plt.ylim([0, 1]) plt.xlim([0, len(corr)]) plt.xticks([i + 0.5 for i in range(len(labels))], labels, rotation=90) plt.tick_params(bottom=False) plt.title('Correlation between ANN activations \n and SNN spikerates,\n ' + 'averaged over {} samples'.format(len(spikerates_batch[0][0]))) plt.ylabel('Pearson Correlation Coefficient') if path is not None: filename = 'Pearson' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_hist(h, title=None, layer_label=None, path=None, scale_fac=None): """Plot a histogram over two datasets. Parameters ---------- h: dict Dictionary of datasets to plot in histogram. title: string, optional Title of histogram. layer_label: string, optional Label of layer from which data was taken. path: string, optional If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. scale_fac: float, optional The value with which parameters are normalized (maximum of activations or parameter value of a layer). If given, will be insterted into plot title. """ keys = sorted(h.keys()) plt.hist([h[key] for key in keys], label=keys, log=True, bottom=1, bins=1000, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='none') if scale_fac: plt.axvline(scale_fac, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, label='scale factor') plt.legend() plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) if title and layer_label: if 'Spikerates' in title: filename = '4' + title + '_distribution' unit = '[Hz]' else: filename = layer_label + '_' + title + '_distribution' unit = '' facs = "Applied divisor: {:.2f}".format(scale_fac) if scale_fac else '' plt.title('{} distribution {} \n of layer {} \n {}'.format( title, unit, layer_label, facs)) else: plt.title('Distribution') filename = 'Activity_distribution' if path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_activ_hist(h, title=None, layer_label=None, path=None, scale_fac=None): """Plot a histogram over all activities of a network. Parameters ---------- h: dict Dictionary of datasets to plot in histogram. title: string, optional Title of histogram. layer_label: string, optional Label of layer from which data was taken. path: string, optional If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. scale_fac: float, optional The value with which parameters are normalized (maximum of activations or parameter value of a layer). If given, will be insterted into plot title. """ keys = sorted(h.keys()) plt.hist([h[key] for key in keys], label=keys, bins=1000, edgecolor='none', histtype='stepfilled', log=True, bottom=1) if scale_fac: plt.axvline(scale_fac, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, label='scale factor') plt.legend() plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) plt.xlabel('ANN activations') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.xlim(xmin=0) if title and layer_label: filename = layer_label + '_' + 'activ_distribution' facs = "Applied divisor: {:.2f}".format(scale_fac) if scale_fac else '' plt.title('{} distribution \n of layer {} \n {}'.format( title, layer_label, facs)) else: plt.title('Distribution') filename = 'Activity_distribution' if path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_max_activ_hist(h, title=None, layer_label=None, path=None, scale_fac=None): """Plot a histogram over the maximum activations. Parameters ---------- h: dict Dictionary of datasets to plot in histogram. title: string, optional Title of histogram. layer_label: string, optional Label of layer from which data was taken. path: string, optional If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. scale_fac: float, optional The value with which parameters are normalized (maximum of activations or parameter value of a layer). If given, will be insterted into plot title. """ keys = sorted(h.keys()) plt.hist([h[key] for key in keys], label=keys, bins=1000, edgecolor='none', histtype='stepfilled') plt.xlabel('Maximum ANN activations') plt.ylabel('Sample count') if scale_fac: plt.axvline(scale_fac, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, label='scale factor') plt.legend() plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) if title and layer_label: filename = layer_label + '_' + 'maximum_activity_distribution' facs = "Applied divisor: {:.2f}".format(scale_fac) if scale_fac else '' plt.title('{} distribution \n of layer {} \n {}'.format( title, layer_label, facs)) else: plt.title('Distribution') filename = 'Maximum_activity_distribution' if path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_hist_combined(data, path=None): """Plot a histogram over several datasets. Parameters ---------- data: dict Dictionary of datasets to plot in histogram. path: string, optional If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. """ # Flatten containers in data, because we don't need the original # 3D-structure of a layer in a histogram. h = {} for (key, val) in data.items(): ll = [] for a in val: ll += list(a[0].flatten()) h.update({key: ll}) keys = sorted(h.keys()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both') ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes = [ax] fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences colors =, 0.9, len(keys))) for i in range(len(keys)): axes.append(ax.twiny()) axes[-1].hist(h[keys[i]], label=keys[i], color=colors[i], log=True, histtype='step', bottom=1) unit = ' [Hz]' if keys[i] == 'Spikerates' else '' axes[-1].set_xlabel(keys[i] + unit, color=colors[i]) axes[-1].tick_params(axis='x', colors=colors[i]) if i > 0: axes[-1].set_frame_on(True) axes[-1].patch.set_visible(False) axes[-1].xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # 1-i/10 axes[-1].xaxis.set_label_position('bottom') plt.title('Distribution', y=1.15) filename = 'Activity_distribution' if path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_param_sweep(results, n, params, param_name, param_logscale): """Plot accuracy versus parameter. Parameters ---------- results: list[float] The accuracy or loss for a number of experiments, each of which used different parameters. n: int The number of test samples used for each experiment. params: list[float] The parameter values that changed during each experiment. param_name: str The name of the parameter that varied. param_logscale: bool Whether to plot the parameter axis in log-scale. """ # Compute confidence intervals of the experiments ci = [wilson_score(q, n) for q in results] if param_logscale: plt.xscale('log', nonposx='clip') plt.errorbar(params, results, yerr=ci, fmt='x-') plt.title('Accuracy vs Hyperparameter') plt.xlabel(param_name) plt.ylabel('accuracy') fac = 0.9 if params[0] < 0: fac += 0.2 plt.xlim(fac * params[0], 1.1 * params[-1]) plt.ylim(0, 1)
[docs]def plot_spiketrains(layer, dt, path=None, data_format=None): """Plot which neuron fired at what time during the simulation. Parameters ---------- layer: tuple[np.array, str] ``(spiketimes, label)``. ``spiketimes`` is a 2D array where the first index runs over the number of neurons in the layer, and the second index contains the spike times of the specific neuron. ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'3Dense'``. dt: float Time resolution of simulation. path: Optional[str] If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. data_format: Optional[str] One of 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. """ data = layer[0] duration = data.shape[-1] if data_format == 'channels_last' and data.ndim == 4: data = np.moveaxis(data, 2, 0) nz = np.reshape(data, (-1, duration)).nonzero() plt.figure() plt.scatter(nz[1] * dt, nz[0], s=1, linewidths=0, color='b') plt.title('Spiketrains \n of layer {}'.format(layer[1])) plt.xlabel('time [ms]') plt.ylabel('neuron index') plt.xlim(min([dt, np.min(data)]), (duration + 1) * dt) if path is not None: filename = '7Spiketrains' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_potential(times, layer, config, v_thresh=None, show_legend=False, path=None): """Plot the membrane potential of a layer. Parameters ---------- times: np.array The time values where the potential was sampled. layer: tuple[np.array, str] ``(vmem, label)``. ``vmem`` is a 2D array where the first index runs over the number of neurons in the layer, and the second index contains the membrane potential of the specific neuron. ``label`` is a string specifying both the layer type and the index, e.g. ``'3Dense'``. config: configparser.ConfigParser Settings. v_thresh: float Threshold. show_legend: bool If ``True``, shows the legend indicating the neuron indices and lines like ``v_thresh``, ``v_rest``, ``v_reset``. Recommended only for layers with few neurons. path: Optional[str] If not ``None``, specifies where to save the resulting image. Else, display plots without saving. """ if v_thresh is None: v_thresh = config.getfloat('cell', 'v_thresh') v_reset = config.getfloat('cell', 'v_reset') plt.figure() # Transpose layer array to get slices of vmem values for each neuron. layer_flat = np.reshape(layer[0], (-1, layer[0].shape[-1])) for (neuron, vmem) in enumerate(layer_flat): plt.plot(times, vmem) plt.plot(times, np.ones_like(times) * v_thresh, 'r--', label='V_thresh') plt.plot(times, np.ones_like(times) * v_reset, 'b-.', label='V_reset') plt.ylim([v_reset - 0.1, v_thresh + 0.1]) if show_legend: plt.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 15}) plt.xlabel('Time [ms]') plt.ylabel('Membrane potential') plt.title('Membrane potential for neurons \n in layer {}'.format(layer[1])) if path is not None: filename = 'Potential' layer_path = os.path.join(path, layer[1]) if not os.path.exists(layer_path): os.makedirs(layer_path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(layer_path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, path=None, class_labels=None): """ Parameters ---------- y_test: list y_pred: list path: Optional[str] Where to save the output. class_labels: Optional[list] List of class labels. """ try: from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix except ImportError: print("ERROR: Failed to plot confusion matrix: sklearn package not " "installed. Do 'pip install sklearn' to install.\n") confusion_matrix = None if confusion_matrix is None: return # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, class_labels) plt.figure() plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest') plt.title('Confusion Matrix') plt.colorbar() if class_labels: tick_marks = np.arange(len(class_labels)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, class_labels) plt.yticks(tick_marks, class_labels) plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label') if path is not None: filename = 'Confusion' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_error_vs_time(top1err_d_t, top5err_d_t, duration, dt, top1err_ann=None, top5err_ann=None, path=None): """Plot classification error over time. Parameters ---------- top1err_d_t: np.array Batch of top-1 errors over time. Shape: (num_samples, duration). Data type: boolean (correct / incorrect classification). top5err_d_t: np.array Batch of top-5 errors over time. Shape: (num_samples, duration). Data type: boolean (correct / incorrect classification). duration: int Simulation duration. dt: float Simulation time resolution. top1err_ann: Optional[float] The top-1 error of the ANN. top5err_ann: Optional[float] The top-5 error of the ANN. path: Optional[str] Where to save the output. """ top1err_t = np.mean(top1err_d_t, 0) * 100 top1std_t = np.std(top1err_d_t, 0) * 100 top5err_t = np.mean(top5err_d_t, 0) * 100 top5std_t = np.std(top5err_d_t, 0) * 100 plt.figure() # plt.title('Error vs simulation time') time = np.arange(0, duration, dt) plt.plot(time, top1err_t, '.g', label='SNN top-1') plt.plot(time, top5err_t, 'xb', label='SNN top-5') plt.fill_between(time, top1err_t-top1std_t, top1err_t+top1std_t, alpha=0.1, color='green') plt.fill_between(time, top5err_t-top5std_t, top5err_t+top5std_t, alpha=0.1, color='blue') if top1err_ann: plt.hlines(top1err_ann*100, 0, time[-1], label='ANN top-1', colors='red', linestyle='-.') if top5err_ann: plt.hlines(top5err_ann*100, 0, time[-1], label='ANN top-5', colors='orange', linestyle='--') plt.legend() plt.ylim(0, 100) plt.ylabel('Error [%]') plt.xlabel('Simulation time [ms] in steps of {} ms.'.format(dt)) if path is not None: filename = 'Error_vs_time' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_ops_vs_time(operations_b_t, duration, dt, path=None): """Plot total number of operations over time. Parameters ---------- operations_b_t : ndarray Number of operations. Shape: (batch_size, num_timesteps) duration: int Simulation duration. dt: float Simulation time resolution. path: Optional[str] Where to save the output. """ plt.figure() plt.title('SNN operations') time = np.arange(0, duration, dt) mean_ops_t = np.mean(operations_b_t, 0) std_ops_t = np.std(operations_b_t, 0) plt.plot(time, mean_ops_t, '.b') plt.fill_between(time, mean_ops_t-std_ops_t, mean_ops_t+std_ops_t, alpha=0.1, color='b') plt.ylim(0, None) plt.ylabel('MOps') plt.xlabel('Simulation time [ms] in steps of {} ms.'.format(dt)) if path is not None: filename = 'operations_t' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_spikecount_vs_time(spiketrains_n_b_l_t, duration, dt, path=None): """Plot total spikenumber over time. Parameters ---------- spiketrains_n_b_l_t: duration: int Simulation duration. dt: float Simulation time resolution. path: Optional[str] Where to save the output. """ # batch time dimensions b_t_shape = (spiketrains_n_b_l_t[0][0].shape[0], spiketrains_n_b_l_t[0][0].shape[-1]) spikecounts_b_t = np.zeros(b_t_shape) for n in range(len(spiketrains_n_b_l_t)): # Loop over layers spiketrains_b_l_t = np.not_equal(spiketrains_n_b_l_t[n][0], 0) reduction_axes = tuple(np.arange(1, spiketrains_b_l_t.ndim-1)) spikecounts_b_t += np.sum(spiketrains_b_l_t, reduction_axes) cum_spikecounts_b_t = np.cumsum(spikecounts_b_t, 1) plt.figure() plt.title('SNN spike count') time = np.arange(0, duration, dt) cum_spikecounts_t = np.mean(cum_spikecounts_b_t, 0) std_t = np.std(cum_spikecounts_b_t, 0) plt.plot(time, cum_spikecounts_t, '.b') plt.fill_between(time, cum_spikecounts_t-std_t, cum_spikecounts_t+std_t, alpha=0.1, color='b') plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylim(0, None) plt.ylabel('# spikes') plt.xlabel('Simulation time [ms] in steps of {} ms.'.format(dt)) if path is not None: filename = 'Total_spike_count' plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_input_image(x, label, path=None, data_format=None, filename=None): """Show an input image. Parameters ---------- x: ndarray The sample to plot. label: int Class label (index) of sample. path: Optional[str] Where to save the image. data_format: Optional[str] One of 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. filename: Optional[str] Name of file to save. """ # In case an image was flattened for use in a fully-connected network, try # to reshape it to 2D: if x.ndim == 1: try: x = np.reshape(x, (int(np.sqrt(len(x))), -1)) except RuntimeError: return # Move channel axis to the last dimension. if data_format == 'channels_first': x = np.transpose(x, (1, 2, 0)) if x.ndim > 2: x = np.squeeze(x) x = np.atleast_2d(x) plt.figure() plt.title('Input image (class: {})'.format(label)) plt.imshow(x) if path is not None: filename = 'input_image' if filename is None else filename plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.close()
[docs]def plot_history(h): """Plot the training and validation loss and accuracy at each epoch. Parameters ---------- h: Keras history object Contains the training and validation loss and accuracy at each epoch during training. """ plt.figure() plt.title('Accuracy and loss during training and validation') plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(h.history['acc'], label='acc') plt.plot(h.history['val_acc'], label='val_acc') plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.grid(which='both') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(h.history['loss'], label='loss') plt.plot(h.history['val_loss'], label='val_loss') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.legend() plt.grid(which='both') plt.xlabel('epoch')
[docs]def plot_probe(probe, path, filename): plt.figure() if isinstance(probe, list): for p in probe: p.plot() else: probe.plot() plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename)) plt.close()
[docs]def plot_weight_distribution(path, model): parameters = model.get_weights() weights = parameters[0::2] biases = parameters[1::2] plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) plt.boxplot([np.ravel(w) for w in weights], whis=15) plt.xlabel("Layer index") plt.ylabel("Weight value") plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'weight_distribution')) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) plt.boxplot([np.ravel(b) for b in biases]) plt.xlabel("Layer index") plt.ylabel("Bias value") plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'bias_distribution'))
[docs]def plot_execution_time_probe(path, probe): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5)) probe.plotExecutionTime('log') plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'time_probe')) execution_time = np.stack([probe.totalTimePerTimeStep, probe.hostTimePerTimeStep, probe.managementTimePerTimeStep, probe.learningTimePerTimeStep, probe.spikingTimePerTimeStep], -1) np.savetxt(os.path.join(path, 'time_probe_csv'), execution_time, fmt='%.4e', delimiter=',')
[docs]def plot_energy_probe(path, probe): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5)) probe.plotEnergy('log') plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'energy_probe'))
[docs]def plot_power_probe(path, probe): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5)) probe.plotPower() plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'power_probe'))
[docs]def plot_parameter_histogram(path, filename, weights, biases, bins=32): plt.figure() ax1 = plt.gca() ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax1.hist(weights.ravel(), bins=bins, label='weights', alpha=0.5) ax2.hist(biases.ravel(), bins=bins, label='biases', color='m', alpha=0.5) plt.legend() plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, filename))