Source code for snntoolbox.simulation.target_simulators.INI_ttfs_dyn_thresh_target_sim

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""INI simulator with time-to-first-spike code and a dynamic threshold.

@author: rbodo

import sys
from tensorflow import keras
import numpy as np

from snntoolbox.simulation.target_simulators.\
    INI_temporal_mean_rate_target_sim import SNN as SNN_

remove_classifier = False

[docs]class SNN(SNN_): """ The compiled spiking neural network, using layers derived from Keras base classes (see `snntoolbox.simulation.backends.inisim.ttfs_dyn_thresh`). Aims at simulating the network on a self-implemented Integrate-and-Fire simulator using a timestepped approach. """ def __init__(self, config, queue=None): SNN_.__init__(self, config, queue)
[docs] def simulate(self, **kwargs): from snntoolbox.utils.utils import echo from snntoolbox.simulation.utils import get_layer_synaptic_operations input_b_l = kwargs[str('x_b_l')] * self._dt output_b_l_t = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.num_classes, self._num_timesteps)) print("Current accuracy of batch:") # Loop through simulation time. self.avg_rate = 0 self._input_spikecount = 0 add_threshold_ops = False # Todo: Add option in config file. spike_flags_b_l = None if add_threshold_ops: prospective_spikes = [ np.zeros(l.output_shape)[:self.batch_size] for l in self.snn.layers if hasattr(l, 'spiketrain') and l.spiketrain is not None] else: prospective_spikes = [] for sim_step_int in range(self._num_timesteps): sim_step = (sim_step_int + 1) * self._dt self.set_time(sim_step) # Generate new input in case it changes with each simulation step. if self._poisson_input: input_b_l = self.get_poisson_frame_batch(kwargs[str('x_b_l')]) elif self._is_aedat_input: input_b_l = kwargs[str('dvs_gen')].next_eventframe_batch() new_input = np.concatenate([input_b_l, np.zeros_like(input_b_l)]) # Main step: Propagate input through network and record output # spikes. out_spikes = self.snn.predict_on_batch(new_input)[:self.batch_size] # Add current spikes to previous spikes. if remove_classifier: # Need to flatten output. output_b_l_t[:, :, sim_step_int] = np.argmax(np.reshape( out_spikes > 0, (out_spikes.shape[0], -1)), 1) else: output_b_l_t[:, :, sim_step_int] = out_spikes > 0 # Record neuron variables. i = j = 0 for layer in self.snn.layers: # Excludes Input, Flatten, Concatenate, etc: if hasattr(layer, 'spiketrain') \ and layer.spiketrain is not None: tmp = keras.backend.get_value(layer.spiketrain) spiketrains_b_l = tmp[:self.batch_size] if add_threshold_ops: spike_flags_b_l = np.abs(tmp[self.batch_size:] - prospective_spikes[i]) prospective_spikes[i] = tmp[self.batch_size:] self.avg_rate += np.count_nonzero(spiketrains_b_l) if self.spiketrains_n_b_l_t is not None: self.spiketrains_n_b_l_t[i][0][ Ellipsis, sim_step_int] = spiketrains_b_l if self.synaptic_operations_b_t is not None: self.synaptic_operations_b_t[:, sim_step_int] += \ get_layer_synaptic_operations(spiketrains_b_l, self.fanout[i + 1]) if add_threshold_ops: self.synaptic_operations_b_t[:, sim_step_int] += \ get_layer_synaptic_operations( spike_flags_b_l, self.fanout[i + 1]) if self.neuron_operations_b_t is not None: self.neuron_operations_b_t[:, sim_step_int] += \ self.num_neurons_with_bias[i + 1] i += 1 if hasattr(layer, 'mem') and self.mem_n_b_l_t is not None: self.mem_n_b_l_t[j][0][Ellipsis, sim_step_int] = \ keras.backend.get_value(layer.mem)[self.batch_size:] j += 1 if 'input_b_l_t' in self._log_keys: self.input_b_l_t[Ellipsis, sim_step_int] = input_b_l if self._poisson_input or self._is_aedat_input: if self.synaptic_operations_b_t is not None: self.synaptic_operations_b_t[:, sim_step_int] += \ get_layer_synaptic_operations(input_b_l, self.fanout[0]) else: if self.neuron_operations_b_t is not None: if sim_step_int == 0: self.neuron_operations_b_t[:, 0] += self.fanin[1] * \ self.num_neurons[1] * np.ones(self.batch_size) * 2 spike_sums_b_l = np.sum(output_b_l_t, 2) undecided_b = np.sum(spike_sums_b_l, 1) == 0 guesses_b = np.argmax(spike_sums_b_l, 1) none_class_b = -1 * np.ones(self.batch_size) clean_guesses_b = np.where(undecided_b, none_class_b, guesses_b) current_acc = np.mean(kwargs[str('truth_b')] == clean_guesses_b) if self.config.getint('output', 'verbose') > 0: if sim_step % 1 == 0: echo('{:.2%}_'.format(current_acc)) else: sys.stdout.write('\r{:>7.2%}'.format(current_acc)) sys.stdout.flush() if self.config.getboolean('conversion', 'softmax_to_relu') and \ all(np.count_nonzero(output_b_l_t, (1, 2)) >= self.top_k): print("Finished early.") break self.avg_rate /= self.batch_size * np.sum(self.num_neurons) * \ self._num_timesteps if self.spiketrains_n_b_l_t is None: print("Average spike rate: {} spikes per simulation time step." "".format(self.avg_rate)) return np.cumsum(output_b_l_t, 2)
[docs] def load(self, path, filename): SNN_.load(self, path, filename)